indieactivity: Give a background of your personal experience with the story, writing, production and marketing
Yhá Mourhia: Well, when I was a little girl I had imaginary friends named Shonna, Rhonna and Maleeka. Sometimes, Shonna-Rhonna was one person…I digress, my imagination proved to be quite fleshed out. I feel like that’s quite natural for children, anyhow. I’ve been writing my entire life as far as I can remember. My experience in production and marketing began around 2006 and continued in spurts after that. Most consistently in the last year.
indieactivity: Did you start writing with a cast (You or any) in mind?
Yhá Mourhia: Well, #LoveMyRoomie, is based off a short film called, Expulsion. I had an original cast and then there was change in #LoveMyRoomie and it’s become what it is today. It’s really grown. Oh, I wrote with most of the cast in mind.
Yhá Mourhia Wright Drops #LoveMyRoomie Season 2 Official Trailer
indieactivity: How long did you take to complete the script? (Do you have a writing process?)
Yhá Mourhia: Season one took a few days – I think it kind of shows in some of the moments that I missed in the script. I’m still very proud of it and, then again, it was intended to just be a short sketch show – not a full blown web-series. Season 2 took me about 5 weeks more or less.
indieactivity: When did you form your production company – what was the original motivation?
Yhá Mourhia: I founded my production company in September of last year – almost one year! The original motivation was to create work as I am now. Though, I must say, I did not envision growth like this

U’Moriah (Ashley Versher) talking with Yasmine (Katherine George), Yhá Mourhia Wright is far right
indieactivity: What was the first project out of the gate?
Yhá Mourhia: My first project post-graduate school? That would be Expulsion – the short film.
indieactivity: During production, what scene (that made the cut) was the hardest to shoot?
Yhá Mourhia: Legit question. The scene that was the hardest to shoot…it would be my scene as Giselle with Kyle played by Daytona Jones. It was the second day of shooting, it was late, and we were all very tired — and I was directing while preparing to go to this heavy emotional place. Yeah, that was pretty hard. I also had this very naïve thought that I could finish filming like 40 pages in three days…not sure why I thought that? I know better Lol, because I’m a perfectionist. So, I wanted to make sure that every scene got proper attention.
indieactivity: What works better in this production that mightn’t have worked so well in the last one you did?
Yhá Mourhia: Great question. I think the use of space. We had more playing space this time and we shot in the summer so we dealt with more weather. I don’t think most of the scenes in the new season would have been possible last season.
indieactivity: You wrote, produced, acted and directed the film, what measure of input did it take to don these four hats?
Yhá Mourhia: There were many nights that I slept for only about 3 hours give or take. Some nights I pulled all nighters. There were a lot of tears and panic attacks – but I have to always remind myself that this is a privilege and shouldn’t be something that I make into a crazy experience. It’s a blessing, but the truth is that when you put that much of yourself into something…you can look in the mirror and be like who am I? Well, but then another time you’ll look at yourself and be like – I’m the bomb! Haha
indieactivity: Is there anything about the indie filmmaking business you still struggle with?
Yhá Mourhia: Money. Where is it? I need it to finish this – ugh don’t get me started.

The cast and crew of #LoveMyRoomie
indieactivity: Where do you think your strengths lie as a producer?
Yhá Mourhia: The determination to get.it.done. It makes me feel crazy more often than not but I refuse to let up. I’m very set on making sure that things happen.
indieactivity: Let’s talk finance, how did you finance the film?
Yhá Mourhia: Through donations from Fractured Atlas – we’re a sponsored artistic non-profit under them. We are still raising money for post-production for season two. From marketing, editing, sound, grading, and applying for grants! Donations are tax-deductible too! If you’re interested in donating, visit our Fractured Atlas page
indieactivity: How much did you go over budget? How did you manage it?
Yhá Mourhia: As of now, we haven’t raised enough money to even meet our budget so we aren’t even close. The budget was managed with a great line producer though. All receipts, food donations, sponsorship were accounted for via excel sheets, copies of them filed away, of course, and petty cash. The PAs did a great job of making sure we had A LOT of food onset and Kombucha for the Cinematographer, Mark Fraunhofer. It’s an ongoing process though and paperwork is fundamental.
indieactivity: How important is marketing? Do you think a project can make any dent without it these days?
Yhá Mourhia: I honestly feel like marketing is the largest part of the job. Performing, producing – that’s great. Writing, that’s great. It depends on what you want to do with your project though, right? For me, I want it to reach the heavens. That takes a lot of hard work and dedication.

Jasmine Vivian Knight as Elaine Castillo (Yasmine’s older sister) & Daytona Jones who plays Kyle, Giselle’s ex in #LoveMyRoomie
indieactivity: Can you tell us about your marketing activities on the project – and how it’s gone for you?
Yhá Mourhia: It truly consists of editing photos on the subway, while walking to the subway, on my lunch breaks, when I get home. In bed when I wake up. It’s non stop and I’m trying to find a way to really become wiser about how I manage my time because even though I can be in denial, my time is limited.
indieactivity: What do you hope audiences get from Love My Roomie?
Yhá Mourhia: I hope it frees some people. Frees them from the pain of feeling unheard, unseen, ignored. I truly hope some people can really find themselves in a brand new, liberated place.
indieactivity: What else have you got in the works?
Yhá Mourhia: There are a LOT of exciting things to come for season two, which I shorthand call, #LMR2. We’re set to release in February 2018 and that might seem like a long time from now, but it’s not at all! I’m mainly excited about being able to support other series, continue to engage with our audience and really utilize the digital space for its greatness. A play I wrote some years ago entitled, Sins Have Come: An American Story, will be a part of a staged read in November but other than that I will be very heavily working on #LoveMyRoomie. There’s a lot to do, but I’m excited for where the show is going to be one year from now! Thank you for having me and for supporting #LoveMyRoomie. The support means so much!
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