Documentary, Short Film Transplant – Directed and edited by Zheyu Liang, Transplant is an observational and reflective documentary. It is about two rootless and tenacious Chinese immigrants who are trying to make a home on foreign soil.
Lying somewhere between a dream and a nightmare, they came to the United States in their 40s and faced a tenuous existence in a land that never quite feels like home. Struggling with language barriers and the difficulties of life on the alien soil, they arduously try to fit in with American life and often find themselves caught between a rock and a hard place.
The film Transplant was selected and screened at Austin Asian American Film Festival, Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival, 16th Chinese American Film Festival, CineAsian Films, Chinese Documentaries International Symposium and Screenings and many others. It was the semifinalist at the Flickers’ Rhode Island International Film Festival.
Watch the official trailer for Transplant as directed by Zheyu Liang
Director and Editor Zheyu Liang said; “In the 150-year-old large-scale overseas immigration of Chinese people, the United States has become one of the most popular immigrant countries. The Chinese people who arrived in the US as far back as the 1800s were typically railroad workers and other low-income workers. Nowadays, many wealthy Chinese can travel to the United States. But there still remains a large group of first-generation Chinese immigrants who have little education and must work hard all day.

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