Luísa Galatti, Ana Moioli & Ryan Cairns Deliver ‘Til Morning through Collective Collaborations

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Giorgia Valenti and Luísa Galatti in ‘Til Morning (2021) directed by Ana Moioli and Ryan Cairns

Luísa Galatti is a film producer, writer and actor. She is part of the Et Alia Theater company. Her an indie short film ‘Til Morning is finished in collaboration with Ana Moioli & Ryan Cairns. Luisa starred, wrote and produced ‘Til Morning. It stars Luísa Galatti, Giorgia Valenti, John Squires and guest stars Nelson Baskerville. The co-producers are Luísa Galatti and Giorgia Valenti

Logline: When Julia can’t pay for her tuition, she has to choose between surrendering to her conservative family and selling herself to a strange 

Synopsis: ‘Til Morning is a coming of age short film about Julia, a Brazilian student in her last semester of college in New York City. After losing her family ties due to political disagreements, she is left with very few alternatives to financially provide for herself and finish school. In this journey, her last remaining allies are put to the test, until she eventually has to choose between surrendering to her conservative family and selling herself to a stranger.

Watch the Official Trailer for ‘Til Morning as directed by Ana Moioli & Ryan Cairns

‘Til Morning was made by New York based artists who are also really close friends. They believe that good films come from the work of collective collaborations. ‘Til Morning was shot both in New York and Brazil and it opened doors for a lot of international artists to evoke their creative skills and give voice to stories from cultures that are usually not told. It is a cultural bridge between Brazil and the US.

‘Til Morning is about the importance of family (both blood and chosen), the danger of self-pride, and how these two are enhanced by long distance and political crisis. Our team is mostly composed of immigrant women in NYC, and we got together with the chosen family we were so lucky to find here in order to tell a story that represents some of the deepest struggles we have all experienced as we came of age in a foreign land — guilt, loneliness, financial instability and oppression.

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The Poster Art for Til Morning

Til Morning main awards, nominations and selections include outstanding drama; The Art of Brooklyn Film Festival, Best Coming of Age Drama Short: Manhattan Film Festival, Official Selection: Chelsea Film Festival, aGLIFF/Prism Film Festival, Best Actress Nominee: Indie Short Fest, Golden Short Film Festival and The Lee Strasberg Film Festival.

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I review films for the independent film community