East View Film releases the film opera The Fire of Olympus; or, On Sticking It To The Man on world-renowned arts and culture streaming platform MarqueeTV. Blurring the boundaries between real-world locations, abstract art-film, and live theatre, this unique film is developed from the 2019 production and live tour by Yorkshire-based mavericks Radius Opera.
A film production company based in Yorkshire, East View Film joined forces with The Radius Opera Company to embark on an ambitious project, resulting in the debut feature film by Tim Benjamin, ‘The Fire of Olympus; or, On Sticking It To The Man.’
In 2019, The Radius Opera Company toured Tim Benjamin’s newest work ‘The Fire of Olympus; or, On Sticking It To The Man’ around the United Kingdom. The opera demanded – along with cast and orchestra – a chorus of a thousand voices, which was digitally assembled from the results of numerous workshops with large amateur choirs across the North of England throughout the year. “A strong cast of singers supported by a “chorus of a thousand voices”, they give a sense of the latent power of the people. A powerful work with a strong message.”
– Diana Forrest, Local Sounds and Focus
The Official Trailer for Radius Opera’s film of the opera “The Fire of Olympus; or, On Sticking It To The Man” written and directed by Tim Benjamin
Tim Benjamin has brought a new and refreshing perspective to opera through film. Rather than a mere video recording of a live show, the film has elevated what would have been nothing more than a simply staged production. A cinematic treat for audiences, merging the drama and excitement of live opera with the possibilities of cinema techniques and the precision of a studio recording.
‘The Fire of Olympus; or, On Sticking It To The Man’ is the story of Prometheus told through an opera. The story follows Zeus is the all-powerful President of Olympus, undermined by activists led by the prankster Prometheus. An accidental theft leads to love, hate, revolution, prison, and anarchy. but a world in ruins demands in Zeus a strong leader – was this his plan all along, or has he finally met his nemesis? This radical, accessible opera uses the power of Greek myth to resonate with the modern world and is filled with drama, passion, politics, tragedy, and comedy.
East View Film secured distribution with the streaming platform MarqueeTV. The world’s best dance, opera, theatre, and music on-demand streaming service. From February 2021 ‘The Fire of Olympus; or, On Sticking It To The Man’ will be sharing space with the likes of the Royal Opera House, Royal Ballet, Teatro Real, the Royal Shakespeare Company, Opera Zurich, and the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

Tim Benjamin through the medium of opera has crafted a Baroque opera that allows the audience to explore the emotions and motivations of characters in great detail. Using the Baroque convention he specifically chose women to play the parts of the young heroic men Prometheus and Epimetheus which further enhanced exploration both musically and dramatically. The power of the human voice is central to the project and using the massed choirs to produce strange sounds adds to the potency and resonance when captured through film.
East View Film – Press Release – The Fire of Olympus; or, On Sticking It To The Man
In the making of ‘The Fire of Olympus; or, On Sticking It To The Man’, Tim, who is half-French was able to create his own cinematic tone and style whilst embracing the film’s theatrical origins. He found influence in his creative decisions through the likes of French director Jean-Pierre Ponnelle and French film and stage director Patrice Chéreau. “We created ‘The Fire’ in a very cinematic way, seeking to blend the contemporary art-form of film with the style of 18-century opera to forge something new and with broad appeal.” – Tim Benjamin
Tim Benjamin creates music for the screen, the stage, and the concert hall. His work has been broadcast, recorded, and performed internationally, and commercially released by major labels including Sony/EMI. He is well known for his many operas that have been produced and toured in the UK and France. His music is frequently used on TV programs all over the world, from drama to documentaries, and he has scored the music for several award-winning films. Benjamin is also a writer and director for stage and screen. Tim has won several awards for his music, and earlier films, notably the BBC Young Musician of the Year Composer’s Award in 1993, and many since, and his work has been supported by institutions ranging from Arts Council England to the RVW Trust.
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