In Conversation with Nicholas Kennedy for Sky Colored Grass, A Little Holiday, and Off Book

Nicholas Kennedy_indieactivity
Nicholas Kennedy

Nicholas Kennedy is the director for Sky Colored Glass. He is also the producer for Off Book and A Little Holiday. His theatrical works have been produced at Teatro LATEA, the American Theatre of Actors and the Chain Theatre. His short films have screened at NYSFF, NYC-Indie Theatre Film Festival, NYShort Film Tuesdays, and Manhattan Rep Stories.

His film Sky Colored Grass had sneak preview at The SVA Theatre for The City College of New York’s MFA Film Festival Showcase, and is now on the Film Festival circuit. Nicholas earned his Bachelors in Film from Pace University and additionally earned a Masters in Communications in Film Production CCNY.

Additionally, he has maintained a company membership as a performer, playwright and Associate Director for Stag and Lion Theatre Company since 2021. Most recently his Theatrical work has been apart of the Trapezoid Theatre Company.

indieactivity: How did you get into Producing and Being a Filmmaker ? How would you describe your style?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
I started producing small staged productions in New York City at the Stag and Lion Theatre Company.

My mentor Joshua Koehn would let me put on my own production in the space and gave me a playground to explore my creativity. As a director my style is typically trying to create a dream-like landscape for my characters to live in. I like distorting reality and the way we view it.

Sky Colored Grass_indieacitvity
Sky Colored Grass

Do you hire a casting director, or do you like to choose the cast yourself? If so, what criteria go into your casting?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
I am notorious for always casting, I like to get to know the actor as a person, where they came from, what they like, and why they like to perform.

Actors who dream about the role and not the accolade or title are the actors I will take any day of the week. You don’t need to go to school for it, you can also go to school for it, your school can also just be participating in as many productions as possible.

The Official Teaser Trailer for Sky Colored Grass Written, Directed and Produced by Nicholas Kennedy

What went into the casting process for the films Sky Colored Grass and “A Little Holiday” This Space Space Issue #3
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
For my film Sky Colored Grass it was predetermined with me casting as I chose two most reliable and talented film actors Cynthia Johnson and Brian Mendoza, both of whom have worked on several of my Films and Plays.

You have three short films coming out this year two of which you were the executive producer and the other is your original piece. What can you tell us about them without spoiling it?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): Sky Colored Grass
is a film about how purgatory resembles a TSA line waiting for your next destination in the cycle of life. The other two films that I produced A Little Holiday This Space Space Issue #3 Written and Directed by Gonzalo Nosal is about an alien visiting a coffee house at an intersection of the multi-verse, in hopes of getting some much needed R&R.

A Little Holiday_indieactivity
A Little Holiday Poster

However he and the other patrons soon discover that they are stuck in a time loop, and must follow planetary protocol in order to discover and break the mechanism causing the loop, even if it means ending their own existence. Then you have Off Book Directed by Nyeem which is about an Actor who one day to memorize all of his line after getting the lead part in a Broadway show.

Who are these three films for? Who do you think would enjoy it the most?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
Sky Colored Grass is for someone who wants to feel like they are in a sad dream that they never can really comprehend I would recommend it to anyone who is a hopeless romantic. 

A Little Holiday I would say is for Aliens but we have unfortunately not found any yet so in the meantime if you love science fiction and simulation theory this film is for you. 

Off Book is for Old Souls and people with big aspirations.

The Official Trailer for A Little Holiday Executive Produced and Casting Directed by Nicholas Kennedy

How long did it take to shoot the films? How did you produce three films at the same time?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
For Several months last fall we were in principle photography for each of the projects and it was a lot to take on… but I got used to it and found humor in being busy all time. My personal life definitely took a toll but I knew the only way to keep going was forward.

How long was the post-production process?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
about 4-6 months.

The films had a lot of talent working behind the scenes as DPs, sound designers, composers, etc. Why is diversity important both in front of and behind the camera?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
I love the question because it’s part of why I love filmmaking. Every set is just a room full of adults who when they were kids would want to keep playing in their imaginary worlds that they would create during recess or after school at the park. These people that loved their imaginations kept pursuing it to make up the diverse environment that existed on set.. Everyone has an imagination. These wonderful diverse people I got to work with refused to let go of their own. It was a wonderful mixing pot of people in all three films.

The Official Trailer of Off Book a film produced by Nicholas Kennedy

What are your goals with these films?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
I hope they screen everywhere and move people in a dream-like/alien-like way. Where people can sit and watch something and forget about everything else.

What’s next for you? What are you working on right now?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
I am working on a couple different scripts and I’m still unsure which one I am going to do next.

What would you recommend to a new director or producer at the beginning of his/ her journey? Any special courses, workshops, helpful books they can read?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
Watch movies you normally wouldn’t watch, go to the cinema with friends or by yourself and see what makes people still watch movies today.

Off Book_indieactivity
Off Book

Who is your favorite director? Why?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
Tim Burton and Spike Jonze I think get sad in the same way that I do, they also love to bend the rules of storytelling through perspective and the world they build.

What advice would you give directors around the world?
Nicholas Kennedy (NK): 
I hear a lot of complaining recently about the many problematic issues happening in our field, which is very valid, however if you spend your time being upset about how films are being made or what the films are about you’re taking time away from making your own film.

Go make a movie! There’s actually nothing more fun than to be a part of our struggle, to create a story, to light a scene, write a script, to plead to your assistant director for time, meeting new people, falling in love, being really tired, not being recognized, and possibly just living in a life of mediocrity, that’s why we do it…

We do it for the struggle without the struggle then it wouldn’t give the fire from within that you need. Don’t let the negativity of the world influence you in making something special, go make a film and struggle safely.

Off Book_indieacitvity
Off Book

Tell us what you think of the interview with Nicholas Kennedy. What do you think of it? What ideas did you get? Do you have any suggestions? Or did it help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

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About Michael

I review films for the independent film community