Film Distributor & Producer Marie Adler: Breaking Down The Walls Between Indie Filmmakers & Gatekeepers for over a Decade

Marie Adler_indieactivity
Marie Adler is the founder and CEO of Adler & Associates

Hollywood, CA – One of the hardest if not almost impossible challenges for filmmakers is navigating the turbulent waters of micro-budget indie feature distribution. How do these films get out into the world is not only a mystery to many but also a major test as most distribution houses reject cold submissions and their doors remain closed to indie filmmakers.

The tremendously chaotic, broken and confusing distribution world needed someone to come disrupt and dismantle the traditional model. Enter San Francisco grown Marie Adler. Known and respected in the Hollywood industry as a chameleonic indie film distributor and producer she is the Founder and CEO of Adler & Associates Entertainment one of the top independent distribution companies in Hollywood. Adler has distributed over 500 films in under five years in over 120 territories and is credited as having paved the way for Netflix and Amazon.

There is nowhere for indie filmmakers to go to learn the protocol for selling their films. No one tells them who is supposed to reach out to whom-do they call the distributors or do they call them? There are many questions an indie filmmaker should ask including how long has the company been in business? How many titles do they acquire per year? Can your company handle both theatrical or digital? Can a distributor take all rights? Are the terms 10-15 years standard? How important is having name cast? I’ve always guide filmmakers to understand the basic information they lack so they can make smart decisions. There is always an education step even before we sign any contracts.” said Adler regarding her approach.

During her formative years teachers mislabeled her as learning disabled. They soon found they had made a mistake and in reality, she was “hyperactive”, bored and unchallenged as a child. Once she channeled her energy into speed skating, choir, drama, dancing and playing the piano, she excelled in school and graduating four years ahead of her class. Along the way her talent was as able to shine in sports where she participated in American football, softball, cheerleading and soccer. She produced her first film at the age of 16.

Since pursuing the arts carried the stigma that it was something done for fun and not a career choice, Adler ventured into the world of finance where she founded American Financial Lending. Then the world financial crash came about in 2008 shattering her world. Adler went into a depression. Everything she knew, that picture-perfect world idea had come to an end. The “secure job” and career path that she was led to believe was the only way for true happiness and security proved to a farce. It was then that Adler realized that there were no absolutes in life. She was no longer going to keep playing it safe.

On June 1, 2011 Variety announced Adler’s move into the world of film production and distribution with Adler & Associates Entertainment where she devoted her passion and expertise on finance to help the indie filmmaker. It became her life’s mission since as far as she can remember she has always been interested in helping the underdog. Adler was told that at the age of three she said one day she was going to take on children that nobody wanted, and the world would remember her for making a difference. She is determined to make that difference with art and movies. Although she hasn’t touched a piano in years she still believes “every house should have a piano.”

Her goal is to use film as a realm to educate and unite the world.

Adler supports the American Red Cross, American Media Society, Senior Legal Services and Junior Achievement. She is a graduate of St. Mary’s College, Stella Adler and Lee Strasberg.

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About Michael

I review films for the independent film community