Kristina Anapau takes us into the character of ‘Rose Coyle’ in Kuleana

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Kristina Anapau in Kuleana (Photo by Adi Ell-Ad of ADIWOOD Studios, Makeup/Hair by Luisa Ascensao)

We talk to Kristina Anapau on her work in Kuleana, which is her latest and most cherished film production today after her work on the Black Swan. Kristina Anapau has appeared on Cruel Intentions, CSI: NY, House, Black Swan, True Blood and now Kuleana, which is a Hawaii Cinema Production, so it is a unique project for Kristina. Kristina has also appeared alongside Natalie Portman, Winona Ryder, Barbara Hershey, Milo Ventimiglia, and Jesse Eisenberg. She has also worked with Wes Craven, and Darren Aronofsky

Indieactivity: Tell us a bit about yourself, Kristina. I believe you’re originally from Hawaii?
Kristina: Yes, I grew up on the Big Island, Hawaii studying classical ballet and was VERY focused on academia.  I graduated from high school early at age 15, and began studying at University of Hawaii that same year – taking a double course load with plans to have my PhD by age 21.  At age 16, I unexpectedly booked my first movie on Oahu in ­Universal’s Escape from Atlantis – I played the princess of Atlantis.  That happened mid-semester of my sophomore year and was in LA and New York working nonstop shortly thereafter.  I completed my Bachelor of Science degree at Skidmore College in New York.

Indieactivity: Was it hard to crack into Hollywood when you first arrived?
Kristina: The director of that first film, Strath Hamilton, encouraged me to move to LA after we wrapped so that I could continue acting – my parents were very supportive of the idea, and luckily, the casting director of the film was launching a management company at that time.  She signed me, and the rest is history.  I was very fortunate to break into the business as smoothly as I did.  I’m still very close to Strath and his family.  His daughter, Daisy, is one of my closest friends.

Indieactivity: While juggling acting projects, you were also singing -and opening for Destiny’s Child, right?
Kristina: Yes, I had a record deal with Hollywood Records when I was 21 – it was a three-girl group.  It was during the era of Backstreet Boys, etc, when girl and boy groups were really big.  We opened for Destiny’s Child on the MTV TRL tour.  It was an amazing experience, but after a bit of time on tour, I really started to miss the acting world and decided to refocus my energy back in that direction.

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Kristina Anapau & Kealani Warner in Kuleana

Indieactivity: Which of your roles, do you believe, really helped kickstart your career?
Kristina: Booking Black Swan was a huge turning point in my career.

Indieactivity: Your career seems to have moved in such a natural progression – from Cruel Intentions 3 you go to Black Swan. Clearly, you wanted to challenge and one up yourself with each new part?
Kristina: I’m not sure if challenging myself really came into play until after Black Swan.  After working with Darren Aronofsky, not only was I inspired beyond belief to delve deeply into challenging roles in indie films, but the directors of those indie films were suddenly much more interested in working with me. Some of those projects that I did directly following the film were the most creatively rewarding of my career.

Indieactivity: Your latest film, Kuleana, saw you back in Hawaii?
Kristina: It was wonderful to be back in Hawaii with Kuleana. I had known the director, Brian Kohne, for a few years and watched the script evolve and become the one that we eventually shot with.  It’s a beautiful film and Brian did an incredible job!

Indieactivity: What’s the film about?
The film is a mystery/drama and takes place in 1971 – The male protagonist is a disabled war vet and without giving too much away, I’ll just say that Kuleana is the Hawaiian word for spiritual responsibility.  Throughout the film, the characters discover, each within their respective journeys, that Kuleana is a privilege, not a burden.

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BTS with Kristina Anapau on the set of Kuleana (Photo by Jack Grace)

Indieactivity: Where does Kuleana rank in order of your favorite projects?
Kristina: It’s definitely one of the most meaningful projects that I have had the privilege to be a part of. Collaborating with Brian has been an incredible experience –  he had a very clear vision for what he was creating, and really loves every step of that creative process.  You can’t help but be inspired to delve in to that experience with him  – it was such a pleasure to help bring his vision to life.

Indieactivity: What’s your fave bit from it? Anything you’re especially proud of?
Kristina: I really love the fight scene on the cliff with my husband (played by Stefan Schaefer.) Don’t want to give anything more away about the scene, but it’s quite intense.

Indieactivity: You’ve worn a few different hats in your life but where do you think your strengths lie?
Kristina: Well, I’m definitely focused on the producer hat at the moment and seem to be quite good at wearing it.   This past year, I co-created and produced a kids show with award-winning talk show host, John Kerwin.  It’s basically The Tonight Show for kids.  We have all the stars from Disney, Nickelodeon, and more – these young stars have huge followings, but there weren’t any glamorous, late-night style platforms for them.  So we created one.  Kids in the audience.  It’s a lot of fun.  The show has been airing nationwide on DirecTv and is doing really well.  So well, in fact, that we are in the final stages of doing a deal with a much bigger network – that acquisition will be officially announced in a few weeks.  Follow us on Instagram @johnkerwinkidsshow to find out more!

Indieactivity: Has the internet, let alone technological advances in filmmaking and all these new platforms, helped your career at all?
Kristina: The way business is done has certainly changed a great deal since I started out in the industry at 16! The technological advances have absolutely opened up so many more possibilities and platforms for me and for everyone.  It’s wonderful, but can definitely be overwhelming.  Sometimes I miss the good old days of just having a stack of hard copy black and white headshots or of having to drive to my agency to pick up a script for an audition the next day.  Seems ridiculous now, to actually get in the car and drive to get something that is so easily emailed, but I do miss the human interaction that was part of doing that.

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -