My first time hitting a stage for a big production was in the 8th grade. I auditioned for and was accepted into chorus (sort of like “glee club”). I was also accepted on to the school’s dance team. I remember being so nervous on stage that it felt like my throat closed up – however, I pushed through and the more I performed the more my confidence increased. Plus I had an awesome chorus teacher who showed me how to breathe and to work a song. I performed in musicals, and loved every moment. Acting is tied to singing, because if you cannot act out a song, you will not connect with the audience.
Did you study acting
I studied acting with a few good teachers. In the past couple of years, I’ve studied with Gaylord Parsons of the Celebrity Acting Studio. I also attended a Bill Duke acting workshop, which was incredible. I decided to study acting because I wanted to learn the ins and outs of acting. I not only attend acting class, I read books on acting. Although, I’m a natural, it doesn’t hurt to have a coach.
What acting technique do you use
The acting technique I primarily use is method acting (Stanislavski). Although I don’t believe in “acting” – I believe in re-creating real life (emotions, thoughts, actions, etc.).
What wrong ideas do actors hold about acting
Acting is not about reciting lines or words. Acting is about really connecting with the character. And, to really connect, you must do your research on the character (back-story). You must learn the likes, dislikes, and all the goes with the character you are creating or must bring to life.
Do you take courses to improve your craft
Yes. I attended Bill Duke’s acting workshop and I look forward to attending more of his workshops.
What acting books do you read
I read several different books on acting. I really enjoyed the book “An Actor Prepares” by Constantin Stanislavski
How do you keep fit as an actor
I am an entertainer with lots of energy, and to stay fit I love to go the gym at least four times a week. Mentally I keep my mind clear and don’t allow unnecessary negativity or distractions in my world.
Hi guys! #download my #hit #single #Soldier4Life on #itunes also 2 #book me email: [email protected] – Thx! pic.twitter.com/f1kWASXXRz
— TRINETTA LOVE (@IamTrinetta) June 26, 2015
When you’re offered a role, what do you do next
Once I’m offered a role the preparation for that role begins immediately. Once I receive the full script I study constantly, and I practice. I also start finding out the back-story of the character, and try to learn everything I can about the story and the character. I also learn about the other characters to understand how to interact and connect with them.
How do you take a character in a script to a honest, believable and breathing person
I take a character and learn everything I can about her. I learn her likes and dislikes. Does she hate peanuts and love cotton candy? Does she have siblings? Was she abused? Once I absorb every detail of the character I can then become her. Trinetta Love does not exist when I’m playing a character. I am the character – period.
How do you stay fresh on set
I stay fresh on a set by staying focused. When given a break, I don’t play around or make calls or do anything that will take me away from my focus. While I’m on set, I am the character that I play until the Director says “that’s a wrap.”
Describe a memorable character you played
I’ve had many good roles (lead & supportive). However, I haven’t yet played my most memorable character yet.
Explain one creative choice you took on set
I’m very good at taking directives, however, there are times, when I might go deeper into a scene. For example, I played a woman scorned, and in one scene me and my son’s father was arguing. I went all in on him on stage (did a little adlibbing). We had a blow up argument on stage, and I ended up crying so hard – uncontrollably, because the scene was so real. People actually thought the story was reflective of my “real” life, but it wasn’t. d.
What do you want most from a director
What I want most from a Director is pure openness, honesty, and professionalism.
What actors do you long to work with
Robert De Niro
I have watched Robert De Niro movies for many years and he’s a well-rounded actor with a lot of emotional depth. I love his ability to transform himself in front of your eyes. I find him to be dynamic, interesting, and a natural.
What advice would you give to actors
Show up on time, know your lines, and have a positive attitude. Be kind and cordial to the entire team, and listen to the Director.
Briefly write about your career
I have done stage plays, web series, and now I’m slated to appear in an online t.v., show called Smoke and Mirrors. The characters I’ve played are diverse, and I love that about them. I also enjoy the roles where I was able showcase my singing abilities. In Follow The Beat I was able to channel Diana Ross the Boss onstage and that was an incredible feeling.
Follow The Beat Stage Play/Musical, Starred as Diane Ross
The Last Christmas, Ungrateful, spoiled Girl-friend
The Cheezecake Boiz & The Diva: Co-starred as the Ordinary Woman
The Hem of His Garment / Leading lady (Nina) – girlfriend and mom
Ghost Stories of the BlackSmith’s Curse / Lead washer woman
The Plight for a Higher Calling (/Upper class wife
The Ancient Book of Krawlz / Lead Female: Autumn Morales, a charming but conniving girl-friend
Natural Gentlemen / Victoria, a pissed off ex girl-friend, mom, and sister-friend
Love Atlanta Style / Role, Angela Steel The Peoples