I was born in Garden City, Michigan. I realized at a young age that I wanted to be an actor. I took dramatics all throughout school where I was given an academic achievement award for the dramatic arts.
My first acting gig was the lead short film called Mainland. It was a senior project for Wayne State University. I attended an acting school in Royal Oak, Michigan right after high school where I studied Meisner under Brian Lawrence. My first big project was the lead role in a feature film called Ashes of Eden. Starring in a feature film for the first time was an amazing gift and I can honestly say that’s what really kicked off my serious, focused and determined pursuit towards a career as an actor.
Check out my IMDb and a clip from my reel. Contact me if you’re interested in connecting.https://t.co/Lw8j8ev216 pic.twitter.com/o9ucwPo05e
— Steven Sutherland (@StevenBrian_S) April 18, 2016
How did you become an actor
I suppose I became an actor after I started working as an actor. I was always an aspiring actor but to actually BE an actor involves doing the work. The audition is the work, the character development is the work, taking classes is the work, studying and interpreting a script is the work, not to mention the business aspect that comes along with it. These are the things that’s bridge aspiring to doing.
I remember a specific moment in my life that really locked in my confidence that I was made to do this. I was in an acting class and we had to take a line from a song and use that line and that line only in a scene that was given to us. My scene was holding someone at gun point begging them to leave my family alone. My line was something like ” but as long as were together, tell me you love me” and when we did the scene I put the entire class in tears. This cheesy little line put into a high emotional state begging for my families safety had a whole new meaning that night. The entire class clapped afterwards.
What acting technique do you use
One of my favorite books is The Power of The Actor by Ivana Chubbuck. It’s a 12 step acting technique that helps you develop a character and breakdown a script. I’ve been on set with many very successful actors and they’ve all ironically had that book with them on set at the same time I’ve had it with me. I’ve studied Meisner and I’ve found that Ivana’s book has been the best fit for me so far. We’re always learning, always developing and creating. Who knows, tomorrow my go to technique could be something completely different from what it is today. It’s good to expand your knowledge and grow as much as you can. Take pieces from many teachers and use them all if that’s what works for you, there’s no wrong way of doing something when it comes to art. Art is freedom.
What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting
If you’re in this industry to be famous or rich, you’re in it for the wrong reasons. Chances are you’ll get nowhere with it. This industry requires a lot of hard work, sacrifice, blood sweat and tears. It’s a lifetime of dedication. If you hate being told no, move on. If you are afraid of rejection, move on. If you can’t handle hard work, a lack of sleep, being poor, losing relationships, materialistic things, and food, yes food. Move on. It’s not an overnight success. You have to literally sacrifice who you are for who you need to be. If you stick with it, it WILL be worth it. If you quit, it’ll never happen, you will never see it. Persevere, grind, hustle, fight and push forward!
Do you take courses to improve your craft
I have taken many courses, right now I’m in between classes. I can however say I’ve taken Robert Pralgo’s class in Atlanta and it’s very good. He’s very reasonable with prices. Check out Pralgo’s acting class. There are also courses that teach The Power of The Actor’s 12 steps. I strongly suggest if you can’t afford classes, get on YouTube, read books. There’s nothing in life that hasn’t been experienced and learned that isn’t in a book somewhere. The greatest gift you will ever have is your knowledge. It’s absolutely necessary to study. Even if it’s enriching your life with experiences. If you don’t live, you won’t have anything to pull from when you’re building a character.
What acting books do you read
As I’ve mentioned above, The Power of The Actor. I also like A Practical Handbook For The Actor, Sanford Meisner on Acting, and any book you can get your hands on that teach the business side of acting.
How do you keep fit as an actor
I’ve been guilty of being a shut in pursuing and submitting for hours daily. I’m living my life more enriched now. Yes, I still submit and doing my daily thing but I’m not afraid to walk away from my computer and experience life. I’m putting a lot of focus on God, that helps keep me grounded.
How do you prepare for a role, when you get it
I read the script many many times. I use the 12 steps from The Power of The Actor. I usually try to live in the life of the character to a certain degree. I’ve been fortunate enough to know people who have gone through a lot of the same problems my characters have gone through. I find out what the biggest traits of my character are and what my character wants the most throughout the duration of the story and their obstacles. I always tell people my script becomes my journal. I write so much in my scripts about personal struggles, life events and emotions, I wouldn’t dare share with just anyone.
How do you stay fresh on sa production set
When you’re working with professional Actors and crew it’s usually pretty easy to stay focused. I starred in a film called Surrender where I take a church hostage. What kept me focused was staying away from the kids in the church in between takes. They didn’t know me and had a real fear of me until the movie was over. Stay off your phone, unplug from the world, your world is the work you put in and what’s going on between you and your scene partner(s). Let it go at the end of the day. In the moment, stay in the moment.
Ashes of Eden comes out on DVD in 4 days! pic.twitter.com/hhKzkbNgra
— Steven Sutherland (@StevenBrian_S) April 1, 2016
Describe a memorable character you played
I would say Redmond Duncan from Ashes Of Eden. It was released worldwide in 2014.
Explain one creative choice you took on set
I don’t think I can pin point to one example exactly but I would say taking those moments. There’s always a sense of urgency with everything in life, even if it requires taking your time.
What do you want most from a director
It’s really important to have a director who knows how to get to you emotionally. Someone confident and relatable and prepared.
What actors do you long to work with
Jake Gyllenhaal
He goes all in. I think he would be a pleasure to work with. I love his movies and his work is absolutely amazing.
What advice would you give to actors
I learned this from Casting Director Amy Jo Berman. I’m going to add Mg own WHYS as well. TMM. Talent. Marketing. Mindset. You absolutely must work on these three things everyday. Talent: take classes, study the craft, develop yourself, live a fulfilled life, work often, practice practice practice. Marketing: get on social media, network, IMDb, get professional headshots, a well structured resume (even if it’s blank), get a website, business cards, get an agent, submit for roles and put yourself out there! Mindset: remember why you started in the first place, it gets frustrating and takes a long time to succeed. Fall in love with the craft daily. Stay positive! If you fail to address one or two of these, you won’t succeed. If you lack in talent, your marketing and mindset will get you auditions but you won’t book a role. If you lack in marketing, you’ll never get an audition even if you are talented. If you lack in mindset, everything falls apart.
This dude was awesome! He was my stunt driver for Surrender. pic.twitter.com/p5uhSq2eEJ
— Steven Sutherland (@StevenBrian_S) March 22, 2016
Briefly write about your career
I have been blessed enough to be the leading actor so far in my career. I have many great roles coming up that I’m really excited about! If you want to check out what’s going on with my career check out my website. You can check out trailer, clips, blog posts, pictures, reviews and other links regarding my career. God bless you guys and thank you for taking the time to read about my career.
In Conversation with Michael Oblowitz Director of Confidential Informant
Confidential Informant stars Mel Gibson, Dominic Purcell, and Kate Bosworth