Interview with Producer, Director & Actor Kemal Yildirim

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Kemal Yildirim is an award-winning independent filmmaker nominated to become an Ambassador of Northampton due to his filmmaking contribution. As well as a career as an indie filmmaker Kemal also enjoys working within the community using his passion for storytelling to give a platform to the unheard voices.

indieactivity: Why did you get into filmmaking and screenwriting?
Kemal: Quite a cliché really! I was bullied quite a bit as a kid so films were an escape to somewhere I was safe and not judged, the ironic thing is now being a filmmaker my work is always judged. Once I acted in my first film at the age of 14 I knew it was what I wanted to do.

indieactivity: How does an indie filmmaker distribute his/her film?
Kemal: That’s the question we are all constantly searching for as the industry changes so fast. The way in which we consume film has changed which has opened up the distribution platform. When I made my first “professional” film we had two real options; getting the film in front of the right people ie distributors/sales agents or having a good film festival run where the film began to build traction.

Now technically that’s still the same journey except we have so much more capacity of building our own audiences with VOD and online social media platforms, We as filmmakers need to understand the whole process which is something I stress to all new film makers.

indieactivity: When does an indie filmmaker need to start planning for distribution?
Kemal: I would say from an early stage once the script is complete. Knowing where and who you are going to approach to sell your film is something I have learnt from previous experience.

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A scene from Rose. Alice and Tris’ loss

indieactivity: How do I get my film in theatres with such a budget?
Kemal: If a filmmaker wants to have their work on the big screen playing to an audience then the options are limited. The best option in my opinion is the Film Festival route there is an ever-growing audience in festivals eager to watch great indie work.

I have had the pleasure of seeing my films play at some great festivals over the years and the instant reaction from audiences is an amazing way to get feedback. It’s not without cost though as it’s such a competitive arena. The other route might be using local community halls or smaller indie cinemas to hold private screenings once again not without cost and the audience is harder to build.

indieactivity: What are the films that you have made?
Kemal: I have made numerous films some not so great and some that I feel are a better reflection of my filmmaking journey.

There is Saudade a short film currently touring film festivals.  A second is Rose an award winning feature film I produced and directed. And there is Malady a multi award winning feature film produced and directed by Jack James. I also co-produced and acted the male lead

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indieactivityb Talk to us about your concept on collaboration?
Kemal: That’s a great question as that for me is the key to longevity within the film industry. Film is one of the only real collaboration of artists working together for the love of the one single aim (The film) when that works and everyone is into the singularity there is a harmony that translates onto the screen my concept is complete devotion to the main aim no matter what role I play within the making of the film.

indieactivity: How do you find the process of filmmaking as an indie filmmaker?
Kemal: I find it infuriating and beautiful, as film for me is an art form first and business second the creation of that art form is a beautiful experience (most of the time). Then there is the infuriating part of trying to convince people with no real love of the art form that it’s worth selling when art is completely subjective.

I love the whole process even the bits I feel hinder the art which is the money-making side which usually means the indie film maker will not make any money.

indieactivity: Describe your recent work?
Kemal: My latest film is by far my most favorite film experience a long short at 21 minutes SAUDADE which I am currently developing into a feature film. Saudade looks into the theme of lost love and how it transforms us.
The pre-production stage for me is the key stage as it allows me time to reflect on how I will achieve my goal and also why I am exploring this thematic idea or particular characters stories.

So it’s my chance to take the script and build a world around it and the build in the fellow collaborators who will bring their creativity to the project. Casting is massively important to me as I am also an actor I know finding the right artists is key to bring the whole film to life.The production is the best part for me as the world I want to explore begins to take shape around me and we explore all variations of what is possible.

The post production is for me the time to reflect and re-imagine your vision as inevitable the story or script would have altered on set so you now have the option of telling a better version of your script. We all know the power of editing. The sit on the edit and re-visit get feed back then re-edit never release your first cut it will haunt you later on.

indieactivity: What are your future goals?
Kemal: To continue to tell stories I care about and make films I hope will find an audience that either love or hate my films. I am in the process of developing a slate of feature films with my writing collaborator Mike Hallet a very talented writer and filmmaker

indieactivity: Tell us about what you think indie filmmaker need in today’s world of filmmaking
Kemal: I don’t know if I am qualified to make such judgments but some basic principal’s I stick by are; Always tell the stories you feel best represent you as an artist, always respect everyone on a film set all roles are vital, tenacity as you will experience rejection and knock backs & fluidity the industry is constantly evolving so be ready to evolve with it.

indieactivity: Briefly write about your career?
Kemal: My career so far has only just begun as I now feel ready to tackle themes and stories I feel care about so I am excited about my future career. I have amassed a massive amount of experience and worked with some incredibly talented creatives so I feel blessed, the main talent I feel I have discovered is seeing the greatness in others and having the foresight to bring these people to my films. I look forward to working with more creatives within the industry.

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -