Interview with Nathen East

Nathen East_indieactivity

I’ve acted like a chef, barman, civil servant, writer and musician in a professional capacity and almost always got away with it. But it wasn’t until I was fired as a civil servant that I really discovered acting. At the time, one of my friends was on the books of a few reputable casting agents specialising in ‘extras’ or supporting artistes. This was to fit in perfectly with a new direction in script development/writing combined with an equally strong desire to never again commute to work in a government office. I eventually paid homage to the experience when graduating drama school by using a scene from ‘the thick of it’. But I digress.

Working as an extra provided some invaluable time on set to begin understanding the art of film-making, script-writing and acting. And after three years of long hours, hard graft and a shit load of fun, I had my own trailer and a stunt double. What a trip.

I loved it. I was hooked.

indieactivity: How did you become an actor?
Nathen: I think I might have just answered this question above. But having gotten hooked via the extra work, I had to go to drama school in order to become a professional so I auditioned for The Poor School(London) in the summer of 2015 and graduated in January 2017.

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indieactivity: What acting technique do you use?
Nathen: There’s nothing more boring than actors talking about acting but ANY technique is only as good as the actors ability to be as truthful in listening/silence as speaking. Just fucking ‘being’. We play at being someone else. How effective we are depends entirely on our imagination. Imagination is everything. This is why I fell in love with acting. For the first time in my life I felt like my imagination was being recognised, rewarded even.

indieactivity: What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting?
Nathen: I doubt if any professional actors have wrong impressions about acting, unless perhaps they are still in training.

indieactivity: Do you take courses to improve your craft?
Nathen: Yes. There’s no such thing as too much exercise or practice.

indieactivity: What acting books do you read?
Nathen: You’ll learn more reading scripts and plays. In fact, don’t waste your time reading anything else.

indieactivity: How do you keep fit as an actor?
Nathen: Yoga, running, good food and as much sex as possible.

indieactivity: How do you prepare for a role?
Nathen: Get off-book as quickly as possible and practice until you’re having fun with it. I like to get to the point where I’m rehearsing something (in private) using an incongruous, off-putting accent.

indieactivity: How do you create a character in a script into a person?
Nathen: You have to understand the character as words on the page or as best you can before understanding their physicality, their soul. What makes them tick. Their wants, desires, fears etc. Ultimately, you have to breathe your character so bring it as close to yourself as possible, make it uncomfortably close if that works or creates an interesting edge. Whatever makes it fun/interesting/exciting will also help bring a character to life.

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indieactivity: How do you stay fresh on a production set?
Nathen: You either maintain the same emotional energy as your character or you don’t. It depends on the character and how much effort is required to get into character in the first place. This is where closeness to oneself helps, as it’s easier to reach in a time limited situation.

indieactivity: Describe a memorable character you played?
Nathen: Ha! Too easy! Since graduating drama school I have had one professional role. Maitland Man #2, Mary Queen of Scots, Directed by Josie Rourke and due for general release in either September or November 2018.

indieactivity: Explain one creative choice you took on set?
Nathen: I’m at the start of my professional acting career but based solely on my experience of drama school, I’d say it’s best to try and give the director what he or she wants to see. I’ll carry this philosophy professionally until such time as I am confident enough to ‘interpret’ direction.

indieactivity: What do you want most from a director?
Nathen: A definitive vision, preferably free from contradictions.

indieactivity: What actors do you long to work with?
Nathen: There are too many to name one, but again, because I am at the beginning of a professional career it’s important to remain focused, grounded and not get carried away entertaining fantasies of who I might like to work with.

indieactivity: What advice would you give to actors?
Nathen: Listen

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -