My First time that I ever acted majorly in something was my big school production in Primary school when I was 10 years old. I grew up always performing in front of family and friends, ever since I can remember. I used to write scripts for me and my friends to work on and act out. Every time I also went to the movies or theatre and I saw outstanding performances, I always got this feeling inside of me, like I knew that I could see myself being one of the characters. it made me feel something that till now I still feel when I see incredible performances. It is very difficult to explain but it is a very warm, touching, exciting, proud feeling.
My school never did drama so I only ever performed at home really when I was younger, however every Primary 7 year at my school (Final year in Primary) always had a big production/show to perform in front of the entire school, all teachers, dinner ladies & families. When it came to audition stages, I was so excited but nervous as it was the first big thing so you had to audition in front of your class. As soon as I got up, I lost all nerves and become the complete character itself, I wasn’t me anymore. It wasn’t as though I was acting.
I loved that feeling and no matter what the outcome was going to be, I was so happy with my performance I gave for my audition. I eventually got the part, it was to play an old funny/fun lady which was the main character. When it came to the show day, again the nerves came back real, but as soon as I got on that stage, no words could describe the feeling. The adrenaline hit me hard and it was the most wonderful experience I had ever had. I got such an amazing reception and I couldn’t be happier. From then on, I knew that I felt I was born to act, like I had been given a gift.
Did you study acting
I attended PACE theatre school for 5 years and it was a place I could really let go and enjoy everything. I had always imagined myself becoming an actor when I was growing up except I always put myself down when I was younger because growing up in Scotland; I never thought it was possible. Every time you would get asked what you want to be when you grow up, I could never think of an answer because there was nothing I wanted more. Whenever I would mention it to my friends or peers, I felt I was being looked down and laughed at. Growing up where I’m from made people believe that you basically couldn’t achieve your dreams. So I was going to stick throughout school through to 6th year, then decide on my life plans. When it got to 5th year, it got to a point I was struggling with classes I just wasn’t interested in.
That year I also managed to arrange to go out to a different school to study Acting as one of my courses. One day it really just hit me that this was what I am meant to do, forget everyone’s opinions and focus on myself. So quickly I started researching studying acting. I eventually ended up leaving school at the end of 5th year and moved on to college to study Acting & Performance at Reid Kerr College (West College Scotland – Changed name). I did 3 years of this course so started at the bottom in NC to really take in all information and also because I was very young. I was 16 years old when I started and was the youngest in my college year. Though-out the 3 years of this course, we learned a life full of things. The classes we had were as such, Voice, Singing, Dancing, Performance, Movement, Graded Unit, Monologues, Camera, Theatre shows & Camera performances, Pantomime (Tour), Improvisation and Script Writing.
We had a lot of written work which helped you learn how to handle stamina, different acting techniques, how to use your mouth and voice for different accents and performance skills. This course really did shape me to who I am, I learned things I never even heard of before which really help in the industry. It especially helped me grow and gave me the confidence and skills I really needed for the professional industry.
What acting technique do you use
When I am acting I tend to forget that I am even acting. I study the character well and really make a character my own, to then become the character either onscreen or theatre. I use a bit of method acting I would say as maybe like 5-10 minutes before I start to get into character and think things over from their life. If I am doing an emotional piece, I am that character and really feel every inch that they should be feeling. That is what acting is all about, you shouldn’t have to think, it just evolves into you. This means you shouldn’t have to over analyse anything. Never try to copy other people, really make a piece your own and own it.
Do you take courses to improve your craft
I have attended workshops before and this really does help to make things fresher and keep your mind working. The courses I have taken are ones at the RCS which you then get to work with people from all over the globe with all different kinds of talent, which makes things even better. I also tend to revise over accents every now and then. You never know what role could fit your criteria and you wanna be ready by having a versatile range of accents to show. I tend to write monologues and act these out just as a fun, living hobby. Or I will learn scripts and monologues from a performance I seen in a movie or tv that I loved very well. it keeps you going and helps you to know to see what you can do.
What acting books do you read
The one book I read so many times over and over or even listen to the audio is one called “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. This is simply about the power of the mind and what you believe is possible, if you put the time and effort into something you truly want, it is achievable. It is an incredible read and will forever change your life. If I’m ever having a really hard time on myself or feeling down, I tend to give this a little read and it changes my perspective instantly to help me feel more motivated and determined once again.
How do you keep fit as an actor
Physically I attend the gym as often as I can. I can go periods where I am very busy therefore may make it hard to work out, but something as simple as walking or a 5 minute exercise is still something to always help. Staying fit is necessary as an actor I would for sure recommend because this opens up the gate to many more roles you me not be able to portray if you do not have the stamina to work on the project. Mentally as I said, keep your mind working, active and always staying fresh. Separate acting from your normal everyday life as this is something that sets you free and to be proud of things to look back on.
When you’re offered a role, what do you do next
I read the script over once, or twice if I need more understanding. Get the complete story I need. I then highlight my lines and start to learn them first of all. Once I may know a few I will kindly ask a friend of family member to help out, I will give them a script & they will read out the due dialogue of the other lines as I say mine without script. I will continue till I know all my lines. Once I know that I know my lines well enough I will start to work on my stance and feelings that the actor has. I would then go over all of this on my own as many times as I need until I know everything well enough to no longer think about it. Then I will start to change different ways of saying a line or moving etc to see what works best then work with the director with the ideas that we both have and see what we can use.
How do you take a character in a script to an honest, believable and breathing person
I may start to write down a list about the character e.g.. likes, dislikes, friends, family, where she lives, what she does etc. I may think about random stuff to just add more detail to the character. Anything I possibly can know about the character I like to have a brief in mind, this makes it much more believable and achievable.
How do you stay fresh on set
It’s good to maybe sometimes go over your lines at the side, go over actions or different ways you could try for a rehearsal. Even ask your co actor to go over lines or the full scene with you. It’s also good to not be so strict and stressed over a scene. Sometime’s let loose and have some fun between takes as this can make it much more relaxed, enjoyable and to freshen up the mind.
Describe a memorable character you played
One character that I will never forget because it was the best role I had ever landed was ‘Susan’ in a play called “Vinegar Tom’ in 2011. This was such a deep involvement and very hard that it was so amazing. I got into such states from this character, crying, feeling the pain, bruised, tired and this all made it so worth it with how proud I was and my cast members were also. Unfortunately I do not have any pictures of this character but have a picture of another character that summarizes the liveliness of how she was.
Explain one creative choice you took on set
To be happy and to always remember that this is my passion. Sometimes early morning call times can be groggy and make you feel sluggish and horrible but you always got to remember how blessed you are to be doing and living a job that you truly love and this makes everything all that much easier. Always to keep a positive mind.
What do you want most from a director
I love the director’s input. For me, the direction from the director is what makes a story. They have the most imaginative minds ever and always can put scenes together so well. I always love to hear exactly what the director wants and I feel they can always see what looks best from the other side and are very supportive and helpful. Even though you should always know everything about your character, I feel it is always great hearing the director’s way of how it should be done and what you should feel, it helps to push you more because you’re always wanting to please them which really makes a performance greater than it is.
What actors do you long to work with
There are far too many inspiring actors to me, it is hard to list down but my main actor would have to be Leonardo DiCaprio. You cannot put into words how incredibly talented this man is. I am so unbelievably happy that he finally got the Oscar he deserved! I am a huge fan of his work and always have been ever since I can remember, seen all his movies, watched a lot of his interviews and his speeches are always the most inspiring thing. He can definitely take on any role and make you feel something. Other actors I completely look up to are Rachel McAdams, Jennifer Lawrence, Tom Cruise, Tom Hardy & Hugh Jackman. Every time I leave the movie theatre these actors always make me feel something and inspire me so much as an actor. I got to work on “WWZ” as a German Exchange student extra and got to see Brad Pitt work was a big moment for me as I was only 17.
I have grown up watching him grow. He gives so much to each role. Obviously I respect so many actors and actresses but I have always had a tendency to be drawn to leo’s roles. I think he would just be a very progressive and positive person and professional to be around.
What advice would you give to actors
I’m still giving myself advice every now and then. The most important thing to say is to never ever give up. No matter how many people may put you down or don’t believe in you. If you truly feel something inside that you are destined to be an Actor, go for it and do not stop. You will have so many barriers and so many “no’s” but one thing you need to remember is that you only have one life and life is short and anything is possible. So why give up on the one thing that means the most to you? Strive to be the best and keep going.
Briefly write about your career
Featured friend/supporting artist/speaking parts on Waterloo Road. Jane Horrock’s double/Speaking parts & stand in, movie ‘Sunshine on Leith’. Speaking SPL Commercial for Sky Sports. Commercial for SNP. Commercial for Scotrail 2014. German Exchange student in WWZ film. S/A work on ‘River City’, ‘Single Father’, ‘The Crash’ & on Bollywood movie “Kick”. Commercial for things to do in Glasgow. Regular Feature on TV comedy ‘Badults’. Gianni’s Fish & Chip shop project. Film S/A in “Hector”. Main/Featured Girl – Omega TV Commercial slots for Ryder Cup. Featured waiting staff on Shetland. Girlfriend on Burnistoun. French Fruit Market Speaking role on Outlander. Visitor/Guest on Bollywood ‘Baar Baar Dekho’. Scotrail commercial. Scotrail photoshoot.
Everything I have worked on I always learn new things, and wonderful talented people whom I have made a lot of friends from. I have managed to network as well from working on different productions. Every time I’ve finished a project and I’m home, I always miss it and want to be back on set again working. This means that acting is the most important thing in my life and I could not live without it. It has helped me to keep working harder, trying to get more recognised by others. I would love the possibility to be able to be working big in the future.
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