I am Dawn Noel, and I’ve been in the industry since I was three years old. I grew up dancing, doing commercials and print modeling in Philadelphia since I was a child. I always knew that performing and expressing myself was my purpose in life. My first film was a small principal role in the movie “Two Bits” starring Al Pacino. I went to the High School for Creative and Performing Arts in Philadelphia and later got my BFA and dance education from the University of the Arts.
Follow @ProjectAbaddon #dawnnoel #scifi #syfy #sciencefiction #film @SciFi @scifivision @scifilondon @Syfy @SyfyUK @SyfyTV #abaddon pic.twitter.com/nDoeLHWT8V
— DAWN NOEL (@DAWNPIGNUOLA) January 18, 2017
Tell us about your film “22 Years”
“22 Years” is my award winning short film that I produced and starred in. “22 Years” has such an amazing cast and crew, Roberto Sanchez (nominated for an Imagen Award), Kearran Giovanni (series regular on Major Crimes), Dawn Noel (lead actress & producer) and Luis Jose Lopez (American Sniper) just to name a few. We are also blessed to have such an amazing director Fred Thomas Jr.
Project Abaddon®™: Rise of the Destroyer from Magic Hammer Entertainment, LLC on Vimeo.
How did you become an actor
I was part of a dance theater group called “The Next Generation” when I was a kid in Philadelphia, and we would always do live performances that included issues based on child abuse, drug abuse, racism and AIDS. We would educate our audiences and give them a different perspective on these issues. So from a child, I always wanted to help people think outside of the box. We have been conditioned from the media to think and believe what they want us to believe. We are not born to hate or dislike people that are different from us, that is taught to us.
DAWN NOEL ACTING REEL from Dawn Noel on Vimeo.
What acting technique do you use
As a dancer and an actor I have studied all of the techniques. The key is to be versatile and diverse. I pull from my tool belt whatever is needed for different projects. The Meisner technique is probably my favorite, I studied with Matthew Corozine in New York City for five years. It really helped me to get out of my own way, get out of my own head and really listen to the other actor.
What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting
Acting is not about being famous. I believe acting is a hard profession to get into, not just because there’s a lot of competition but you have to sometimes pull from so many emotions and memories from your past to be honest and believable in your performance. Acting is not just memorizing lines. It’s about bringing the writer’s vision to life and adding yourself into the character also.
Dance Reel -DAWN NOEL from Dawn Noel on Vimeo.
Do you take courses to improve your craft
Yes, I always continue to take classes and if it’s a big audition I will definitely get private coaching.
What acting books do you read
Books I’ve read: “The Power of the Actor” is a good one. All of August Wilson’s plays… and lots of plays and film scripts
How do you keep fit as an actor
I keep physically fit because I’m a personal trainer and I also go to the gym a few times a week. I keep myself mentally healthy by meditating, reading, writing and spending alone time.
How do you prepare for a role
I prepare for each project differently. Yes, I read the script a few times. Sometimes there is rehearsal and sometimes you just discover organic moments on set.
How do you create a character from a script into a person
I try my best to honor the writers idea of the character, and then I spice it up by placing myself in that situation. Once I have my wardrobe, the other actor and the environment, it makes it a lot easier for the imagination.
How do you stay fresh on set
It depends on the character. If it’s a comedic up beat character then I try to stay light and playful in between cuts. If it’s a dramatic character then I definitely stay to myself in a very focused place, sometimes music helps.
Describe a memorable character you played
One of my favorite characters was Carmen from the web series “Sistah Did What“. She’s a very loud, fun and obnoxious character from New York. The director Michael Blackman gave me lots of freedom to play with this character and improv. I don’t really get a lot of chances to do comedy, so this was a real treat.
Explain one creative choice you took on set
I loved the director for Project Abaddon, Dale Fabrigar. He whispered in my ear, very respectfully, to just say the words. He allowed me the first few takes to do it the way I wanted to do it with a little more emphasis on my tough character. Then I took his direction, brought it down a notch and followed his vision.
What do you want most from a director
I definitely like feedback from a director, but I don’t take it personal if they don’t give me direction, it means that they’re happy with what I’m doing. Clear communication from a director is always great. I also like to collaborate ideas with the director.
What actors do you long to work with
There’s so many actors I would love to work with, it’s a little hard to be specific.
What advice would you give to actors
My advice that I would give actors is to really make sure you love what you do. Be open to doing free or low-paying projects at first, like student films, regional theater or creating your own work. Continue to study your craft and of course feed your inspiration by supporting live theater and independent films.
@SistahDidWhat #webseries #comedy #LOL #funny pic.twitter.com/4gQEIG6rrT
— DAWN NOEL (@DAWNPIGNUOLA) January 12, 2017
Briefly write about your career
Dawn Noel is an accomplished dancer and actress who’s expanding her career into the film and television arenas. Born in Philadelphia, Dawn attended the prestigious High School for the Performing Arts and received a BFA from the University of the Arts. She started her professional career as a member of Philadelphia’s Koresh Dance Company as well as with Ballet Hispanico and Elisa Monte Dance companies. She was quickly hired by both the NYC and Metropolitan Opera Ballets and was making her mark on Broadway with the groundbreaking musical, The Lion King, quickly followed by In The Heights and Fame. Dawn also toured with Madonna and Jennifer Lopez as a featured dancer in their worldwide tours. On television, Dawn has been seen on numerous commercials and has appeared on All My Children, NCIS, NCIS-LA and Glee. On the big screen, she has been on Salsa Lessons, Grand Slammed, Life Is Too Short and My Normal. For the past four years, she has also produced numerous award winning short films, one of which “22 Years” was nominated for an Imagen Award. Dawn has won Best Actress for “22 Years” at the LA Movie Awards, Charlotte Black Film Festival, International NYC Film Festival, Women’s International Film Festival and Velvet Rope Film festival.
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