David has appeared in over a hundred plays from New York to Los Angeles. He has guest starred on Television shows and appeared in over a dozen films including: THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, SOUTHPAW, JACK REACHER, 61*, THE LAST WITCH HUNTER and he is currently filming AMERICAN PASTORAL starring and directed by Ewan McGregor. My first New York acting job was in the revival of THE MEMBER OF THE WEDDING at the Roundabout theatre. It opened my eyes to the reality of the business. You have to always be the best you can, because there are so many actors vying for every job.
Did you study acting
I got a BFA in Theatre from point park University in Pittsburgh, then went on to get my Master’s Degree in Acting from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. I want to be able to perform & be as versatile as possible whether in film or theatre. That’s why I continue to train.
What acting technique do you use
I am a Stanislavski based trained actor, though I’ve studied Meisner, Chekhov, Viewpoints. Whatever works, I use. I’m a big believer in observing life!
Opening night of A SERVANT TO TWO MASTERS at Pgh Public Theater! #actorslife #pgharts #theatre pic.twitter.com/GhOv46npoh
— David Whalen (@DavidAWhalen) November 13, 2015
What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting
That is seems so easy & that every one makes a comfortable living. It is a business. Just like the WALL STREET JOURNAL says; PAST PERFORMANCE DOES NOT INDICATE FUTURE GAINS. That means, don’t rest on the last job, always try to get better. Because if you’re not getting better, you’re getting BITTER. This business is a hard one, so keep challenging yourself.
Do you take courses to improve your craft
When not working, I try to continuing growing as an actor, whether by taking a class, seeing shows, and movies, and constantly reading.
What acting books do you read
I read so many, but, I find myself always going back to the basics; UTA HAGEN’S RESPECT FOR ACTING, STANISLAVSKI’S CREATING A ROLE, etc.
How do you keep fit as an actor
I just do—that’s the job! I am my product and I want it to be the best it can be.
How do you prepare for a role
I’m a big believer in research,plus, I enjoy doing all the detective work around a role.
How do you take a character in a script to a honest, believable and breathing person
Basically, I try to find myself in the role. What parts of me connect with the part. It’s all about a personal connection to the part, I believe.
How do you stay fresh on set
I try to stay focused & trust all the work I’ve done to get the job will be there when it’s time. I try to stay loose, tension kills the actor.
Describe a memorable character you played
I’ve been lucky enough to play Sherlock Holmes in three different plays in my career. In 2011 THE MASK OF MORIARTY, 2013 THE CRUCIFER OF BLOOD, and 2015 in SHERLOCK’S LAST CASE.
Explain one creative choice you took on set
Intelligence, focus, and Calmness.
What do you want most from a director
Intelligence, focus, and Calmness.
What actors do you long to work with
Daniel Day Lewis
I so admire his work ethic & his bravery as an actor.
What advice would you give to actors
Work hard.
Briefly write about your career
David is an award winning actor who has appeared across the country, Europe, & New York City. He has played leading roles at some of the nation’s finest theaters, including: THE ROUNDABOUT, SOUTH COAST REPERTORY, PHILADELPHIA THEATRE COMPANY, CENTER STAGE, THE MCCARTER, LAGUNA PLAYHOUSE, HUNTINGTON THEATRE, SYRACUSE STAGE, PITTSBURGH PUBLIC, THE ARDEN, CITY THEATRE, ALLEY THEATRE, ROUNDHOUSE THEATRE, FOLGER THEATRE, EVERYMAN THEATRE, PLAYMAKERS REP, COCONUT GROVE PLAYHOUSE, among many others. He is an Associate Artist for PICT CLASSIC THEATRE where he has appeared in over 20 roles. David has appeared in over a dozen World & American Premieres of plays, including: OPUS, THE MONSTER IN THE HALL, SPEAK AMERICAN, CHARMING BILLY, THE PRIDE OF PARNELL STREET, FOR THE TREE TO DROP, among others.
He has appeared in over a dozen films & televisions shows, had recurring roles on Daytime dramas, & has done numerous national and regional commercials. He is an accomplished Voice Over artist too.
David has been on the faculty of CARNEGIE MELLON’S SCHOOL OF DRAMA, VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY, POINT PARK UNIVERSITY, & THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA at Chapel Hill. He has taught acting at all levels & disciplines at those schools. He has directed graduate an undergraduate shows & projects for them.