I grew up a military brat, living in different parts of the world. I think this gave me a unique outlook on how other people live in the world. My parents are southern and kept their southern roots strong within us no matter where we lived. I’m a southern girl at heart. This factors into my acting.
Did you study acting
Yes, with a man named Tony Greco in New York City. The best acting teacher around. He teaches the Method and was trained to teach it by Lee Strasberg. He also taught and coached Phillip Seymour Hoffman. I’m always using what he taught me. It’s golden to me!
What acting technique do you use
The Method
What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting
That acting is as easy as pie and that they don’t have to study.
Do you take courses to improve your craft
Like I said before, I’ve studied with an amazing teacher. That’s been my anchor but I have done theater groups, improv classes and acting workshops as well. These have been mini tools to add to the notches on my belt from what I already know of the Method. The Method is always my base.
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— Daphne Danielle (@DaphneDtv) August 27, 2015
What acting books do you read
Richard Boleslavsky’s “Acting the first six Lessons” first book I ever read about acting. First book my acting teacher recommended.
How do you keep fit as an actor
Miracles! Between exercise, reading scripts and plays, learning lines, auditions, working on character and living in the city. You gotta keep going and stay focused.
When you’re offered a role, what do you do next
Read the script or play forward and backwards. I look at givens within the script to see how to develop the character and I believe knowing the intent of the author is key.
How do you take a character in a script to a honest, believable and breathing person
I look at givens in the script for clues to setup my approach. I develop from there.
How do you stay fresh on set
It all depends but I do like my quiet spot so I can focus. Socializing is fine but I like some quiet time to do my work.
Describe a memorable character you played
I did a play in Brooklyn and when I went for the audition the director asked me to sing. She did did not put this in the casting notice because she said she wanted actors. She said that she didn’t care if I talked sing. I was nervous but gave it a go. I discovered that I had a voice, so don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone.
Explain one creative choice you took on set
I’m always making creative choices. The whole process of acting is creative for me.
What do you want most from a director
Freedom! As a Method actor your always finding the character. Freedom to do your process and work towards it.
What actors do you long to work with
Denzel Washington
Why this Actor?! See know I have an attitude! It’s Denzel Washington, his work speaks for itself. I think he’s a great actor. I also like Daniel Day Lewis and Meryl Steep.
What advice would you give to actors
Go and train get something under your belt called a craft. Don’t get caught in a situation where you feel insecure because you’ve had no training. Do black box theater, do student films, do something outside your comfort zone. Like I said, I learned I had a singing voice because I was willing to do something outside my comfort zone.
Briefly write about your career
Wow, my career! Iv’e done theater, student films, films, improv and sketch! I love acting so I just keep going and building. Brick by brick! I get that kind of drive from my parents.