This week I give you, Daniela Sanchez. Daniela is a co-founder of 5.2 Films, she is an actor, a producer and head of the Latin Division at 5.2 Films (5.2 Film is owned by Epic DC Coles, who we interviewed last week). She is a woman with foresight, ability and credibility.
Oladapo: Give A Concise Biography Of Yourself?
Daniela Sanchez: My love for the arts began at a very early age. My earliest memories were from age 4 and never stopped. I remember the 1st film that made my hairs stand up and my heart beat faster was “Wild hearts can’t be broken” a film about the life of Sonora Webster Carver a rider of diving horses. I didn’t look at this movie like any regular kid would. I looked at this movie thru the eyes of someone who later on in life would love acting, back then I had no idea but the feelings were real. Watching this character of this young girl in the film moved me in such a way. I wanted to know why she felt that way, why she acted that way. What moved her, I was in love with the story. I was in love with acting. My first experience in theatre was in my native land Bolivia. I was involved in theatre and my first theatre experience was in ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’, the lights, the cast and everything involved was amazing. I was lost in the moment I was in a state of bliss.I also danced folkloric Bolivian dance in my school. I loved to express myself thru music, dance and theatre. The feeling I had as a child never left me. And that same feeling remains with me till this day.
Once I turned 18 I knew there was so much more for me back in the states In order to accomplish all my goals I knew I had to be back in New York or Los Angeles. I made the decision and found myself on a plane to New York City. Once in New York I worked on numerous jobs and auditioned for numerous roles all while continuing to sharpen my craft and learn all that I could about the American film industry.
I had an opportunity to work behind the scenes on an independent film where I discovered a passion for feature film production. I worked on numerous productions before a chance meeting with independent film/music video veteran Dwayne “DC” Coles and music executive Markie Mangum who would eventually lead to us teaming up and co-founding 5.2 Films.
I Executive Produced and starred in short film “A TORTURED LIFE” inspired by true events that was and continues to screen at many film festivals. I’m currently in post production on another film P.O.M.E also based on a true story (adapted from a book) and in between auditioning and working on more productions.
Oladapo: How Would You Describe Your Acting?
Daniela Sanchez: I’m a method actor- who also strongly believes in allowing instincts to play a part of what I do (Organically) – if it doesn’t feel truthful then it will be forced so I let the actor in me respond truthfully.Oladapo: How Did You Get Into Acting?
Daniela Sanchez: Well, when I was around 8 years old they were casting for the film The Crow and were looking for a young child actor for a small scene. My step-dad asked me if I wanted to and of course I jumped for joy! He took snapshots of me and I always say he must have known I had this passion in me.Oladapo: Did You Study Acting?
Daniela Sanchez: I study acting everyday when I ride the trains, observe everyday people but of course yes I’ve taken courses at the school for Film & Television, HB Studios, private lessons. You can never stop learning.Oladapo: Do You Operate On Instincts When Acting?
Daniela Sanchez: Having good instincts are a plus, the smallest gestures can bring life to the character? It must feel natural.Oladapo: What Acting Technique Do You Use?
Daniela Sanchez: Method acting, sense memory and substitution. Depending on what the scene is I can substitute a situation that I experienced and bring that to the scene I’m working on; I’m a student of Uta Hagens “Respect for Acting” (book) Lol.Oladapo: Briefly Describe A Few Wrong Impressions Actors Have about Acting?
Daniela Sanchez: Well, when actors use the word pretend. When you pretend you are not coming from within that is all external.Oladapo: Do You Often Take Courses In Acting To Increase Your Craft?
Daniela Sanchez: Absolutely; scene study classes- with my partner who’s also a trained actor and acting coach “DC” Coles.Oladapo: What Books do You Read?
Daniela Sanchez: I love reading biographies. But my last book I read was The Prophet (by; Kahlil Gibran).Oladapo: How Do You Keep in Shape as an Actor?
Daniela Sanchez: Exercise! Not only for your body, but mentally and spiritually: it really helps. I’m under the belief that my instrument MUST be in shape to work correctly on all levels.Oladapo: What Physical Exercises do you do to keep in Shape?
Daniela Sanchez: I train in the gym 4-5 times per week- to stay in shape. In this business you should always be ready you never know when that phone will ring, so staying prepared and ready to me is important.Oladapo: When You Are Offered A Role, What Do You Do?
Daniela Sanchez: I do a lot of research on the character let’s say character was a drug addict then I would research cases, now that we have everything online it’s so much easier. I take the script and break it down, I create a back story for the character if it does not have one already. And on set I usually like to stay in character that helps.Oladapo: How Do You Take A Character In A Script To An Honest, Believable And Breathing Person?
Daniela Sanchez: For me I have to truly become the character and also take my own life experiences and use those experiences to make the character more real; the character is not me – I’m the character.Oladapo: How Do You Remain Fresh On A Film Set?
Daniela Sanchez: I make sure that I’m hydrated, and eating well to keep my energy levels up and often listen to music and/or read a book so my mind stays alert.Oladapo: What ‘Thing/Situation’ Helps Your Character During A Production?
Daniela Sanchez: I have a thing in which I’m the character at all times during production- so everyone MUST address me as the character on set (meaning calling me the characters name).Oladapo: Explain a Creative Choice You Took On Set Of A Recent Production?
Daniela Sanchez: I was working on a film titled “A Tortured Life” which I also executive produced via my production company 5.2/Epic Films- I was doing a scene in which the character goes thru a slew of emotional in one sense ; feeling a sense of lost, depression and confusion at the brink of contemplating suicide- as she found herself in a physical place feeling life is useless – I made the choice as the character to just sit silent for the length of the scene instead of the actions described in the script- and everyone felt that was extremely powerful to see the character go thru this range of emotions- to see it express itself from the inside out for me is way more True. So that was the choice I took that Worked.
Oladapo: What Is the Most Memorable Screen Character You Have Played?
Daniela Sanchez: I played Elsie Salazar in A Tortured Life 2011. It was based on a true story that took place in Harlem. It is my best to date especially because I was taking on a character that actually lived and breathed for real. It was challenging but my best to date.Oladapo: What Do You Want From A Director During A Production?
Daniela Sanchez: To be specific in what they need, what they are looking for and giving me the space as an artist to experiment, take risk and grow.Oladapo: How Do You Prefer To Work With A Director During A Production?
Daniela Sanchez: I like to have a direct relationship with the director, i.e., to know exactly as much about the character as possible and often refer to the director during filming for reassurance that I’m going in the right direction with the character.Oladapo: Do You Get Offers From Film Industries, Like Hollywood, Bollywood Or Nollywood?
Daniela Sanchez: Not yet 🙂Oladapo: What Do You Think An Actor Can Do To Get Into The Film Industry?
Daniela Sanchez: Get your feet wet, do a few extra roles to get the experience on what it is to be on a film set and then really work hard to get speaking roles. That’s the only way you will get the real experience of acting. Study, study and study your craft.Oladapo: Who Is Your Favourite Actor?
Daniela Sanchez: Meryl Streep, Angelina Jolie
Oladapo: Why Are They Your Actor Favourite Actors?
Daniela Sanchez: When I watch Meryl Streep on screen it’s a total new person, she is amazing at what she does. From accents to movement to delivery and what I like about Angelina Jolie is that she has such amazing screen presence and really does her work as an actress.Oladapo: What Advice Would You Give Amateur Actors Around The World?
Daniela Sanchez: To remain in Truth-I always advice others (myself included, lol) to focus on doing the work , not just showing up as if it’s a game- prepare and by all means take this art form very serious and be appreciative to opportunities.