I started acting at the tender age of nine years old in commercials but it wasn’t until my high-school senior year that I did a play called, “Voices from High School“, that acting really clicked inside of me. There is a monologue in this play from a young man who is slowly telling you his life story and all the while he is actually planning out his suicide right on stage. I remember as I was doing the monologue during the closing night, I became so invested inside this character’s emotional state of mind that I wasn’t “acting it” anymore I was “living it”.
I actually lost myself so much in the role that it wasn’t until a woman in the audience gasped out-loud, when the character actually hangs himself at the end, that I snapped to and realized the monologue was over and the audience was applauding. It was honestly at that exact moment I realized there was more to acting than just acting so I decided to further my studies at a University level.

Ole’ friends Christian Keiber & Holt McCallany (Lead of Mindhunter) at my film premiere of “Trust Me, I’m A Lifeguard” at the Tribeca Film Festival now on Amazon Prime.
indieactivity: Did you study acting?
Christian: I was given a theatre scholarship to East Carolina University to study The Meisner Technique under famed acting teacher, Donald E. Biehn, who had taught Beth Grant, Sandra Bullock & Kevin Williamson. I also, got immediately cast in their Summer Theatre program where I got to work alongside veteran character actor, Larry Gates, who would become my theatre mentor and would invite me into the prestigious actor’s club, “The Players” in NYC. You must always surround yourself with people who are better than you and know more than you because they will challenge you to rise to their level of excellence as an actor. Acting is not a competition with others, it is competition with oneself to constantly be better than your last performance.
indieactivity: What acting technique do you use?
Christian: As a young actor I read every book on every technique there was and I’m sure I have consciously or subconsciously pulled from each technique to better a performance. But I always seem to fall back on my Meisner training when I hit an acting wall or just can’t seem to find the truthful moment in the text. So, I would honestly say, with great pride I am a Meisner actor. I wish I could tell you I’m “Naturally Gifted” but the truth is I studied my ass off and I am yet to meet a “Naturally Gifted” actor who didn’t have some kind of training under their belt.
indieactivity: How much work do you put into your scenes?
Christian: My acting work is my life so I put everything into it. It is my passion and my obsession and sometimes my curse. I have sacrificed, like most working actors, a lot of the immediate comforts in life to pursue perfection in my work because there is no plan B to fall back on for me and I always want to know with every acting endeavor that I gave it everything I got in me. There is no excuse for laziness in the pursuit of this art form.
indieactivity: You have worked on the most popular shows: Homeland, Gotham, Daredevil, Blue Bloods, Orange is the New Black, NCIS: LA, General Hospital & Cold Case. How has each show impacted your career and work as an actor?
Christian: Before any of these shows came to me there was my first film, “No Way Back“, opposite Russell Crowe that had the most impact. I was 25 years old, fresh out of the NYC theatre scene, and had NO experience in acting in film, yet here I was in Hollywood on a movie set and scared to death they would find out I had no clue what camera left was from camera right nor how to hit my mark or stay in my frame.
So, instead of sitting in my trailer in a panic that I was going to be fired any second, I did what I always do, walked down to set to surround myself with the people who were better than me and knew more. I watched Russell incisively, studying everything he did in front of that camera and listened to every command the Director, Frank A. Cappello, barked out between takes.

Russell Crowe with Christian Keiber in ‘No Way Back’
It must have worked because when we got to the big scene in the film where Russell and I go head to head, Russell and Frank were very impressed and took me under their wings through the rest of the shoot teaching me the ropes. I consider them both good friends to this day. And, Yes, I know I got lucky but I also got good watching and working alongside such talent. I believe everyone in life always teaches you something if you are always open to learning what that something is!
indieactivity: How does the work you do on Homeland compare to say Cold Case”?
Christian: Those are two great comparisons and I approached both characters I played in them very differently as an actor. With Cold Case I was playing the role of heroin Kingpin “Teddy Burke” and I spent an enormous amount of time creating this character. I created in my mind his back story, his outlook on the world and his mannerisms, right down to the way he was always grinding and showing his teeth as if he was a wolf being backed into a corner.
So, much so that famed director, Jeannot Szwarc, kept yelling at me, “Less Teeth Please!” But I couldn’t help it. I was so locked into this character I had created, it was actually hard to pull it back but eventually your training kicks in and you make the adjustments as needed. It was a great cast and crew becoming the Highest Rated episode of the whole “Cold Case” series and widely praised in the industry.

Christian Keiber onset of Cold Case for CBS as Drug Kingpin ‘Teddy Burke’.
Now, Homeland was a completely different animal all together. Working on “Homeland” everything is on a need to know basis right down to even what your characters true intentions are and what side he’s even on, which is why the show is so good. Trust me, I didn’t even know what was really happening with my character in the script because my lines kept changing throughout the shoot. But, I do remember a wonderfully humorous conversation I had with the shows stars, F. Murray Abraham and Maury Sterling about acting.
Murray was obsessed with one of my lines and how I was going to say it. The line was, “Be sure to drink your milk” which now has become a fun catch phrase from the show because complete strangers say it to me on the street when I pass by, obviously fans of the show. So, over and over again Murray would repeat my line in different ways trying to catch the essence of its meaning which Maury and I found humorous but the wonderful part was to watch this Oscar Winning actor with all his amazing work under his belt, still in search of the truth within the text whether it was his line or not he truly needed to understand its cause and effect as an actor.
So, I didn’t have to do much homework on my character for “Homeland”, Murray did it for me and ultimately he figured it out, “You’re just gonna have to say it, let the line speak for itself“, which is exactly what I did. I mean, honestly, who’s not going to listen to F. Murray Abraham?!

Christian Keiber with Steve Buscemi on the set of “ER” on NBC
indieactivity: Let’s take “NCIS: LA”. How did you prepare for the demands of the show?
Christian: NCIS: Los Angeles was a wild ride to say the least! I had been living/working in Hollywood for 12 years straight got a call to auditioned for the show and told myself, “If I don’t book the role then I am moving back to NYC” Which after a month of not hearing back from casting I did. It was only three days since I landed in NYC when I got the call from L.A. that I booked the role. I had to immediately take the Red Eye plane trip back, landed and went straight to to set. I barely slept and barely read through the script and on my first take I paid for it.
My character was the “Black Ops Handler” for all U.S Special Forces and I had a lot of lines to get out in a very short period of time. I remember when I walked onto the hot set the director said, “No time for rehearsal, let’s just shoot it.” Now, my character has to walk up to a small car with LL Cool J., and Chris O’Donnell and No air conditioning, open the door, slide my six foot frame into the back seat, and start my verbally aggressive scene… sounds easy right? Nope.
First words out of my mouth were pure gibberish and I was totally ashamed and embarrassed as an actor. I could’ve punched myself in the face… if there wasn’t a camera still rolling. But instead, like I mentioned my training kicked in which had taught me to focus and trust my instincts which gave me the confidence to ask the director for another take. My second take was the actual take they used for the show.

Christian Keiber in Gotham (Fox TV) as Bookie in Batman Catwoman New Day Rising
indieactivity: When you shot Orange is the New Black, how do you create that character?
Christian: There’s something to be said for the “Actor’s Journey” and working on “Orange is the New Black” is just that. After filming “NCIS-Los Angeles” I flew back to NYC and didn’t work for almost 3 years. With all my credits, I couldn’t even get an audition.
Then “OITNB” called me in for the NYPD Detective who arrests Laverne Cox’s character in a flashback. It took me 3 times to get the write words out in the audition because I was not taking classes and was so nervous and rusty as an actor… and that’s on me. But for the grace of the acting gods, I booked it and went to work on the character. It was only the 3rd episode of the whole series but I knew it was a pivotal scene for Laverne’s character and I wanted to do her proud.
After reading through the script I knew that I had to drive the scene forward in order to get Laverne to an emotional level to knock it out of the park. The surprise was when I went to set and Jodie Foster came running out and said, “Hey Christian. I’m so glad you accepted the role. I hand picked everyone for this episode.” Her direction and ease around the set was flawless.
She was so kind but so in charge of her vision for the episode it got nominated for an Emmy and so did Laverne as an actress and so did Jodie as a director. And after, 3 years of not working they showed our scene on the Emmys, as well. So, keep the faith my fellow actors because you never know what’s just around the bend.

Christian Keiber arrests Laverne Cox in Orange Is The New Black (Dir. by Jodie Foster)
indieactivity: How do you create a character from a script into a person?
Christian: Ha, I barely survived the “Gotham” shoot! “Gotham” was a mentally and psychically long shoot but truly one of my favorites. I played “Bookie” who was the evil bar owner of an illegal betting club called ‘The Bang Bang Club” in Gotham. “Bookie” was known around Gotham for cutting off the fingers of anyone who stole from him. The character was very dark and unrelenting in his behavior. Especially, when he catches the ‘CatGirl’ stealing from him.
It was very hot that day and we shot inside for take after take after take for many, many, many hours so in order to stay fresh and in the moment I just started having fun with the role take after take, after take. See, our director for this episode was, Eagle Egilsson, and he is amazing to work with because he allowed the actors to be free and come up with their own ideas which he would direct with a confident nudge to get you to your best performance. Eagle allowed me to explore within the takes which kept my performance fresh and on point. I would work with him again any day.
I also, did my own stunts for the Batman vs Bookie fight which I left set with two broken toes, a lump on the side of my skull, and bruises up and down the left side of my body… and it was ALL worth it for the performance we all got out of it.

Christian Keiber with Alfred Molina on HBO Show Me A Hero Oscar Winner Paul Haggis
indieactivity: Describe a memorable character you played?
Christian: I had two memorable characters on the same show back to back called, “Charmed.” I played both ‘Scott’ and “Frank.” The reason it was so memorable is because the character of ‘Scott’ was so docile and meek and the character of ‘Frank’ was aggressive and over the top. It was the only time an actor was written off the show, ‘Scott’ and came back immediately as another character ‘ Frank’. They did a whole article in the international magazine called, “Charmed”, because fans went crazy. That was a lot of fun and was such a thrill for an actor to do.
indieactivity: Explain one creative choice you took on set?
Christian: I was shooting a season finale of the show, “ER” opposite Steve Buscemi and I was in a lot of scenes with Steve as the “Federal Marshal ‘Panicali” but didn’t say a lot in each scene so I went up to the director Christopher Chulack and said, “I really need more lines”, and he said, “No you don’t. The less you say the more intimidating you become as the episode progresses. Plus, Steve said, he’s scared shitless of your character because of your presence and silence and it’s working for him in his role.” So, I interpreted Chris’s direction as, Acting is just as powerful in your actions as it is in your words.
indieactivity: What do you want most from a director?
Christian: Like a adolescent teenager, which I believe most great actors never grow out of, I want my freedom to fly with a character to the sky and have the director there to pull me back down when I get too close to the sun, like Icarus. I strongly believe that there are no great performances from and actor without a great director.

Christian Keiber as Officer Matthew in Daredevil Episode 207 Semper Fidelis Corrections Officer
indieactivity: What actors do you long to work with?
Christian: Nick Nolte
indieactivity: Why?
Christian: Nick Nolte is in my opinion everything an actor should aspire to in his work. Nolte’s passion and search for the truth in every character he plays inspires me to continue my own journey as an actor. I have never worked with him or even met him but I have studied his discipline to his characters to a fault. He never disappoints me in his choices as an actor and never let’s me down in his emotional commitment to his role. The acting God’s willing we will work together soon. In my eyes he is a true champion of the art of acting.
indieactivity: What advice would you give to actors?
Christian: Just get good at your craft and learn the history of the great actors who came before you because they have a lot to teach you, not only in their words but in their actions on screen.
indieactivity: Briefly write about your career?
Christian: I have never considered myself a star just a journeyman within the art of acting. My next film project is called, “Iron Terry Malone” which I will play the Lead/Wrote/Executive Produce, alongside a stellar cast of talented fellow journeymen actors. Christian Keiber starred, wrote, and executive produced a comedy called, “Trust Me, I’m A Lifeguard“, which was nominated and World Premiered at Tribeca Film Festival is now on Amazon Prime with Rave Reviews. Christian Keiber founded “Brazen Giant Ensemble” with Bill Sorvino for Actors, Writers, Producers to develop original works from Film, Theatre, TV in NYC. Christian has also been honored, for the Third Year in a row, to be the Feature Film Judge on the official board of the Golden Door International Film Festival.
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