Until late 2011, I worked as a paralegal. A friend encouraged me to consider acting because of my personality, sense of humor, and comedic timing. So I took my first acting class. That one acting class inspired me to create a bunch of skits about a single 30 something woman exploring new life experiences on her own and giving advice and encouragement to others. “The Bridget Linden Show” was born – a one woman show that I wrote, produced, directed and acted in. I created 125 episodes of “The Bridget Linden Show”, which have 750,000+ views and 1,450+ subscribers on YouTube.
Following this, I committed to working intensively on acting, writing, and producing. In 2015, I created a new scripted comedy web series, “Danger Pay”, set in a law firm. It is about a paralegal who accepts a job that pays more than usual to work for a bizarre lawyer. She endures his antics so she can afford to pursue her dreams. So far 6 episodes have been filmed, with a minimum of 26 episodes over 2 seasons planned. It was nominated 2016 Best Pilot by Web Fest Montreal and the series is also mentioned by Tubefilter as an “under-the-radar series to watch”.
Check out the teaser for my 1st short #comedy #film @superspeeddates #actress #writer #yyc https://t.co/a0Wv8F1ra2 pic.twitter.com/MMsUjhOp9L
— Carolyn Kennedy (@CarolynBKennedy) June 14, 2016
Recently, I created my first short comedy film “Super Speed Dates”, in which I am credited as writer, actor, producer and director in training. Aside from my own productions, I co-created a sketch comedy web series “WBFTV Comedy” (Women Being Funny TV). I was also cast as CMO “Dr. Victoria Hunter” in a Star Trek inspired TV series “Galaxy Trek/Vulcan: To Boldly Go”, and also as “Julie Denton” in a Bollywood romantic comedy film called “Jindua”.
This is not the first time I have completely transformed myself. Twenty years ago, through hard work and diligence, I was able to lose over 110 pounds and I have kept the weight off.
Did you study what you do
After filming “The Bridget Linden Show”, I was hooked. I loved creating something out of nothing. I loved the reaction I received from other people to what I was doing. In 2014 I started to pursue acting and filmmaking intensively. Since then, I have invested greatly in my training both as an actor and a filmmaker by studying with my regular acting coach, Neil Schell, practicing in my home self-taping studio, and taking an intensive director/producer apprenticeship. Also, I have taken introductory courses relating to many of the jobs performed on set as I feel that it is important as a director and a producer (and even as an actor) to have some knowledge of these roles.
What is your filmmaking process
Rather than belonging to any one “process” or school of thought, I believe it is necessary to be exposed to a wide variety of techniques and skills. Everyone is different, and you have to find what works for you. By choosing to not apply just one technique or method, I remain free to discover the character through exploration and experimentation.
Talk to us about the work you have produced
After making “The Bridget Linden Show”, and committing full-time to my new career, I realized that there is not a great deal of work for me where I live. For the dual purposes of having a creative outlet and self-promotion, I wrote my first scripted episodic comedy webseries, “Danger Pay”. Subscribe to Danger Pay on YouTube. Aside from the pilot episode, there currently is also a teaser trailer for Episodes 3 – 5.
My first short comedy film “Super Speed Dates” has also been filmed and will be coming out later this year. A teaser trailer for this has been released on my personal YouTube Channel
I also co-developed a sketch comedy webseries WBFTV Comedy (“Women Being Funny TV”) with another Calgary actress. We are writing parodies and original comedy sketches that are character or situation driven.
You can also watch me as Dr. Victoria Hunter in the pilot episode of “Galaxy Trek – Vulcan: To Boldly Go”, which will be released later this summer. I also play Canadian Immigration Officer “Julie Denton” in the Bollywood romantic comedy film, Jindua.
Do you take courses to improve your craft
I continue to learn and further my training, as an actor, writer, director and producer. I continue to train one on one with my mentor and acting coach, Neil Schell. I also take courses available through my local society for independent film about the other various roles and departments on set.
How do you combine acting, and producing
Acting and producing are two entirely different pursuits. I suppose they share at least one element in common – they both involve problem solving. As an actor I have to explore and discover the character inside the text and inside me. As a producer, you have endless problems to solve in order to gather and coordinate a crew and cast that all need to come together and bring the story to life. Producing is more centered around the business of bringing a production to life. Acting is about the performance and how it contributes to the end result.
Being a part of each of these roles expands my abilities in the other. As an actor, being aware that an entire team of people are contributing to the entire enterprise allows me to focus all my energy on my one particular part in the larger whole. As a producer, being an actor and a storyteller helps guide me in a creative way to make the production choices that center around budget and other concerns.
How did you get into the film business
Taking my first acting workshop in 2011 ignited a creative spark in me. I enjoy the creativity and freedom that acting provides, but I have found that I require a greater creative outlet so I have turned to writing. One thing has led to another, and that is how I came to be producing my own projects. Each outlet possesses a subtly different creative power. For some reason, I am drawn to this.
How do you create character
A great book I would recommend reading with respect to discovering and creating watchable interesting characters would be “How to Stop Acting” by Harold Guskin. He explains how you can achieve a lot of freedom in your acting and how you can create fresh and exciting characters.
Share with us your acting process
As with filmmaking, I don’t follow any one “process” or school of thought. I read books and articles, and watch interviews with actors. I apply those portions of knowledge, advice and experience that resonate with me. Experimenting and information gathering is a great way to learn and develop your skills. When you try new things, you are able to find out what works for you. I believe that by not choosing to apply just one particular technique or method, you can add many layers and dimensions to your performance.
Wrapped Ep. 3-6 of my #comedy #webseries @DangerPaySeries w/ Director @neilschell An amazing cast&crew #actress #yyc pic.twitter.com/wtmW5yiGvf
— Carolyn Kennedy (@CarolynBKennedy) May 30, 2016
What tips or ideas to you offer as advice to actors
Be prepared to work hard at honing your craft and at building and developing strong relationships with others in the industry. It is a great idea to collaborate with others and to have a mentor from whom you can learn not only the “craft of acting”, but also the “business of acting”. You have to commit yourself wholeheartedly. You need unwavering resilience to carry you through the rejection and self-doubt that so easily creeps in. Don’t give yourself a time limit. This is a lifelong commitment with no finish line in sight. If there are no suitable roles for you, create your own content to showcase your talents.
What is it like working in the film business
Especially if you are doing more than one job, it is a great deal of work. But, it is absolutely rewarding.
What do you want to change about the film business
I would like to see more women taking on creative key roles such as writing, producing and directing. Women have great stories to tell.
What do you want to be remembered for
Whatever my body of work turns out to be, I hope that people are entertained and, in some small way, have their lives enriched. Also, when people learn about the path I have taken, my hope is that they are inspired to take their own leap forward and pursue what moves them in whatever field they are passionate about.
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