Give a concise auto-biography of yourself
I took a very circuitous route to becoming an actor. I had always dreamed about doing so but in a way that boys and girls dream about being astronauts or rock stars, i never took it seriously. So i went to university and did a biochemistry degree- hated it, then i became a travel writer-didn’t super like it, and then became an assistant to a director- tolerated it. Part of my job was me watching audition tapes that actors would send in, and i would just think “these people are having way more fun than me right now”. So i applied to a theatre school in New York City and paid the deposit before my fear could talk me out of it. At that point, my fate was sealed.
Famjam 2015 @tjmcgibbon @xmenapocalypse #xmenmovies #magda #XMenApocalypse #xmengeek #michaelfassy #fassbender_m pic.twitter.com/NhXWY62Zcd
— Carolina Bartczak (@carolbartczak) June 8, 2016
How did you become an actor
I studied in Montreal under a phenomenal acting teacher name Jaqueline McClintock who taught Meisner. I had taken some previous classes and they never felt right. They felt forced, and i never connected to what the instructor was teaching and thought to myself that maybe acting wasn’t something that I would be good at. Then one day i sat in on a Meisner class and i could feel a variety of sensations from the depths of my soul as partners repeated back and forth. I know at that moment that i had found the technique that spoke to me. I enrolled at The Neighbourhood Playhouse and did the two year program. After graduating i made the mistake of thinking that i knew how to act and was ready for work. Boy was i wrong. The Playhouse taught me to listen and how to be present with another human being, but i had to hustle once i was out of school and learn how to break downsides and how to auditions, how to do accents, how a story works and a multitude of other skills that help me book jobs and keep them.
What acting technique do you use
I studied the Meisner technique. it’s a great tool to remain grounded and connected to your partner. That’s something that will never change in the acting world. However, this is just pillar of education. Learning how to learn i think is the most important tool for an actor. How do you digest information? How do you learn a skill? How do you keep a skill sharp? These are the most important things for actors to learn. Every job requires some kind of new skill that you hadn’t considered before: an accent/a sport/a movement/. Will you know how to learn it? I also am a big proponent of script analysis. Do you know how story structure works? Are you aware of how human beings digest information and story? Stories have been a source of communication for millennia, and human beings have a very distinct way of communicating stories. As an actor, this cannot be ignored when learning a role. Do you understand where the 1st act ends and the 2nd begins? Are you able to pinpoint the conflicting ideas (aka the theme) in the story so that you can portray it correctly? Also, watch TED talks and read books about human connection, memory and emotionality. If you’re an actor, you are committing yourself to being a student forever.
Tell us about your role in X-Men Apocalypse
My role in X-Men was a small role albeit an important role. My character ‘Magda’ represents a positive and hopeful presence in the film. She believes in the goodness of humanity. She believes that humans are rational and use their hearts and minds to make decisions. She is in direct opposition to her husband Erik (aka Magneto) who has experienced that wrath of human beings when they are fearful. In one scene, she argues that he is a good man, and that people will not hurt him. He on the other hand admits to her that he is fearful. In the next scene when they are confronted by a fearful mob, they switch their points of view and he argues for his goodness and she becomes fearful as she sees how fear can change people and she experiences firsthand the fickle nature of humanity. It’s a beautifully written arc. She dies a very betrayed woman.
How did you prepare for your role in X-Men Apocalypse
I poured over the script for days. I found any detail that i could use in order to understand the relationship between Erik and Magda. I needed to understand their dynamic and how they met and how they came to terms with their life on the run. Luckily there was a lot of downtime on set with Michael Fassbender and we had the opportunity to discuss so much of this. The only thing that we couldn’t agree on was that he believes that Erik and Madga had a very peaceful and loving relationship-he clearly hasn’t been married to a Polish woman before (I can say that I’m polish)
How do you keep fit as an actor
I make sure that i spend time with very positive and inspiring people. This industry is such a challenge and filled with very rocky and uncertain times. In those moments, it’s important to be around people who are supportive and maintain a healthy outlook. Many people say that “you are what you eat”. I believe that “you are who you hang with”. Do not stay around people who complain incessantly about how hard it is to be in the industry. Yes, it’s hard, now get over it and figure out a way to make it work. Also don’t spend time with people who tear down other actors. It’s not good for the soul.
Physically i try to be healthy and stay away from bad foods and alcohol. Yes, i love pizza, yes i love wine, but make sure that everything is in moderation. Most young actors think of artists as those who drown themselves in alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs and see it as a badge of honour. As you become more involved in the industry, you’ll see that the most successful artists are those that take care of their mind and body.
How do you create a character off the pages of a script
I do some serious detective work as soon as i get my sides. I go through every word and make sure there isn’t some juicy detail i can extract from the info on the sides. for example, how does the person talk? Does she answer questions directly/indirectly? If she mentions any people that are not in the script, who are they? what’s the relationship to the person? What kind of family did this person have. I try not to completely make up facts about the person, i do my best to always derive their story from a clue on the page. If you have an acting partner that is open and willing (like Michael Fassbender) it’s always nice to bounce ideas off of each other. we were able to come up with the history of Erik and Magda’s relationship and how they met and how their first evening was together. That really helped cement our relationship on set.
How do you stay fresh on set
It’s important to be extremely rested when you’re working. I believe that from the moment you are picked up in the morning – you are working. That means being pleasant, cooperative, and attentive to everyone on set. That can be exhausting when you have 18 hour days. When you need a break, go to your trailer and nap or meditate or have some time to yourself. Eat healthy food on set. STAY AWAY FROM THE GUMMY CANDIES ON THE CRAFT TABLE, is what I tell myself- as i eat a bowl of gummy candies.
Describe a memorable character you played
I forayed into producing films a few years ago, and the first film that i worked on was the 48 hour film challenge that takes place in Toronto. We were given a parameter for the competition that our main character had to be an artist. My first impulse was to make her a con-artist- i’m not sure what that says about me. We created a character very quickly, of a hipster con-artist/petty thief living in a big city who takes advantage of people and their modern day distractions. While people are texting, or not paying attention, she pick pockets them or straight up takes money right from out of their hands. The irony at the end is that she pick pockets a police officer because she isn’t paying attention. I loved the character so much as she was arrogant, funky, smart, and had a sense of humour- which unfortunately is a hard female character to find in films.
Explain one creative choice you took on set
When Michael and I were doing the scene in XMEN:APOCALYPSE where we are debating whether or not to leave our home, we have a very intense moment where he takes me by the face and we speak eye-to-eye. During one of the takes (probably take #35) I had this impulse to kiss him. As it was my first day working with Michael, and having just met him, I didn’t have the confidence to actually follow through with my impulse. As Brian Singer yelled cut, Michael looked at me and said “I think that’s a great moment to kiss me if you want, try it on the next take but only if the impulse comes“. I was like “yeeeeahhhh, i think it’ll be there”
What do you want most from a director
The best kind of director you can have is someone who is obsessed with the project that you are working on. My favourite projects are when we leave set and go to have lunch or dinner, and both myself and the director keep discussing the script, and the moments in the scenes, and the themes that drove her or him to want to make this film.
Thx @lucianmatis 4 this gorge dress @brad_laskey_makeup + @kelseyolafson 4 the updo!!! #XMenApocalypse #xmenmovie pic.twitter.com/kiEHeGHGrs
— Carolina Bartczak (@carolbartczak) May 28, 2016
What actors do you long to work with
I am so very lucky and got to work with my favourite actor early in my career. Michael Fassbender is an actor who is so passionate about life, stories, and his career and chooses projects that push his comfort levels and challenge our perceptions of him.
What advice would you give to actors
I would tell all actors that this is a very challenging industry. That being said, if you’re a hard worker, if you take initiative, you can find your way into making this your profession. NEVER expect that someone is going to help you in this industry or make it happen for you. Your agents only make 10%, so they only do 10% of the work. That leaves the rest of the work up to you.