The first time I acted on a non-school production was on a short indie film many years ago. (I can’t say how long ago because that would give you clues to my age.) 🙂 Back then, you found audition notices in the classifieds, if you did not have an agent. I went and performed a monologue and got the part on site. My part was mainly dying and screaming. HAHA. In my school days I would always try to be in any school play I could. I don’t remember the exact time I became interested. I don’t ever remember a time that I wasn’t interested in acting. I will be in episode 307 of Swamp Murders. It airs on ID Discovery on 9/2.
Did you study acting
My first formal acting study was attending a drama camp when I was in high school. Then I minored in dramatic productions in college. You had to take a wide range of classes from storytelling, public speaking, to stage acting. Every class I had was necessary for the craft and has helped me in some way.
VOTE Greatest Sex I’ve Ever Had BEST INDIE FILM THANKS!!!http://t.co/2YPyfkoijY pic.twitter.com/5akgsf2rDS
— Luv Life Ent. (@LuvLifeEnt) December 2, 2014
What acting technique do you use
I use a little bit of anything that works for that character or productions. Sometimes you can put yourself in that character’s place and feel things how that person would feel them in that moment. I have found Meissner useful for getting into the moment, and having the real feelings in tough situations my characters have. I have also ‘cheated’ before when playing a character that is like someone I already know, by copying the mannerisms and speech of the person.
What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting
Acting isn’t about making tons of money and being famous. Some people ask about acting and think your goals are to be the next Julia Roberts. Yes, that would be very nice, but that can’t be your motive for acting. Only less than .01% make it like that. If you don’t thoroughly enjoy acting and the adventures it takes you on and do it for the art, then you might as well find something else to do.
Do you take courses to improve your craft
Yes, I take classes on and off when I am not too busy acting to have time for classes. I find taking classes and coaching from a variety of people and schools helps you to be more well-rounded. One person’s method won’t be the exact right one for you. You have to pick and choose a little from each teacher and use what works for you and make it your own.
What acting books do you read
Um, Yeah, I’m bad. This is something I still need to do. I mainly watch lots of TV and movies and study it that way.
How do you keep fit as an actor
Your body is your work. You have to keep fit and stay physically and emotionally healthy to be able to work.
When you’re offered a role, what do you do next
If the role is from my agent, then I usually accept because she does the background work on it and knows what work to find. If I found the breakdown myself, I look at the story line and the past work of the production company and director and if I like the story and their past work then I would accept the part if it does not conflict with current bookings.
How do you take a character in a script to a honest, believable and breathing person
First of all I get familiar with the script by reading it over 30 times. Then once my mind is not focused on remembering lines, I work more on the character. Like, where is she from, what are motives, what does she want. What conflicts are happening etc.
How do you stay fresh on set
I try to ignore distractions like prod crew joking around. That can be distracting. I try to stay in character between takes of the same scene and keep the thoughts current and real. I may close my eyes or keep my eyes focused on the actor(s) with me in the scene.
Describe a memorable character you played
One of my favorite characters to play was Gigi, in Southern Iron. She is the character most unlike my real self that I have ever played. She was a stripper that stole drugs from the Iron Jester’s motorcycle club. Gigi did not have a whole lot of sense. I had a thoroughly great time playing that character. The character was so fun, that I was asked to play the exact same character in another film as well.
Explain one creative choice you took on set
Almost all of my choices are as creative as the director will let me be, so it is hard to think of one particular example.
What do you want most from a director
Clear instructions and feedback on if you are doing what they want.
What actors do you long to work with
I can’t think of just one. There are so many amazing actors. I would like to work on a Cohen Brothers or Billy Bob Thornton film.
I love their gritty style and the interesting characters they bring to their films.
What advice would you give to actors
If acting is what you want to do then go for it. It is a lot of work, but if it is what you love and enjoy doing it. However, do not expect to be a millionaire. The fulfillment is in doing what you love.
Briefly write about your career
I started pursuing acting professionally a few years back. I missed acting from my college and school days. I made a friend who was an actor and his friend who is a filmmaker, Louis Bekoe, saw me on his FB page and asked if I wanted to be in a scene in his movie. That got the feeling coming back of how much I missed acting. There are many steps you have to take to get started in it as a career. You have to start with student films, then get enough under your belt to have a reel, then headshots, then agent. Each role I play is always somehow better and going further than the previous role.