Brice Evan Fisher is 16 years old. He was born in Lincoln City, Oregon, but was most recently living in Yakima, WA when he got the acting bug. Brice‘s Mom brought him out to LA for a summer to see what it was like in LA and to do some camps and workshops. That was 5 years ago, they decided to stay and give this a go! Brice loves dogs; he have 3 rescue dogs, Mimi, Punkie and Swanny. He loves YouTube, Xbox and Pokémon.
indieactivity: How do you find time to go to school, and work as an actor at the same time?
Brice: I am homeschooled and have some great tutors that have helped me stay on track for school. We have a pretty good system and I will actually be able to graduate after my Junior year, but I am going to keep going through my senior year and take college classes before I graduate.
Here’s a clip of me in @kidnapmovie starring @halleberry #butiwantedhashbrowns
— Brice Evan Fisher (@BriceEvanFisher) August 10, 2017
indieactivity: You have been working for some time on films, why does it interest you?
Brice: Films are amazing and I love being on set, it can be interesting when they change things up at the last minute. Working with a team on a film is the best feeling. There is so much to learn and I have been really lucky to have had the opportunity to work with great actors and crew. “Kidnap” was my first big time feature film and it was a little surreal to be in a scene with an Oscar winner, Halle Berry, she was so nice and you can tell she really knows her stuff.
Kidnap is in theaters now and I hope you have a chance to see it in the theater…it was really amazing on the big screen. You will be on the edge of your seat the whole time. The next film I am in is the “Tribes of Palos Verdes”. That one was really fun and a little crazy as I am playing a character completely opposite of who I am. Let’s just say I really learned something new for that one! Jennifer Garner is going to be amazing in this film. I really hope this is going to be her Oscar moment! I am in a scene with Mika Monroe and she was so nice to me.
I have been really lucky to work with some really nice people that make the experience even better.
indieactivity: You’ve starred in “The Middle”, “Crowded”, “Christmas Trade”, “Friends with Better Lives”, “Criminal Minds”, “Farmed and Dangerous”, “The Goldbergs”, “Haunted Hathaways” and “Kidnap”. Which was your favorite to work on as an actor?
Brice: I loved all of them for different reasons. “Farmed and Dangerous” was my first TV role, “The Middle” was a semi recurring role and I love that show, “The Haunted Hathaways” was a guest star, so I got to work on set for a week. “Christmas Trade”, I got to have an emotional moment that I ended up winning an award for, so that was pretty awesome. Of course, “Kidnap” has to be my overall favorite so far, there were only a few actors in the movie who had speaking parts, so seeing myself on the big screen and then watching the credits afterwards and only being listed a few down from Halle Berry was unreal! I was also invited to the premier and walked the red carpet. That felt so different from my daily routine.
indieactivity: Did you study acting?
Brice: Yes, I have been taking classes and coaching with an acting coach for over 5 years. I feel like I have come a long way and I think I am the strongest I have ever been. I am ready and hoping something great happens for me this year. A strong role in a feature film or a recurring role would be a dream come true.
indieactivity: What was your experience working on “Kidnap”?
Brice: Of course it was amazing! The people were so nice and I actually had a crew person come up to me and tell me how good I was. That was incredible to hear. You always hope you do a good job and that everyone will like what you do. Getting the role is just the beginning, you have to do everything right and take direction. I was only on set for a day for my part and I got to hang out with Sage Correa during breaks and we played a lot of board games with the set teacher. Being on set with Halle all day was really cool. She is extremely nice. It is always great to work with moms; they are so nice to the kids on set.

Brice Evan Fisher with “Robbie Brenner, Producer The Tribes of Palos Verdes”
indieactivity: Who is your favourite director?
Brice: That is a hard one. I don’t think I have worked with a director that wasn’t great! Louis Prieto, Brendan & Emmett Malloy, Joel Souza, Jonathan Keevil, Taylor Kitsch, Rolin Jones and Brendan Patrick Hughes, Tim Wilkerson, Randall Park, Jonathan Frakes, Phil Traill, James Burrows, Roger Christiansen, Rob Bailey, Fred Savage, Timothy David Piper, and Stephanie Greenquist. A really great moment was receiving an email from Rob Bailey, who was the director on the episode of Criminal Minds that I was in, thanking me for doing a great job.
That was really surprising; I didn’t know directors ever did that. That really did a lot for my confidence. Also, the second assistant director on “The Tribes of Palos Verdes”, John T. Melick left a really nice comment on my reel that I have posted on Facebook, saying that I did a great job in Tribes. That was really cool too.
indieactivity: How intense is working on “The Middle”, compared to “Criminal Minds”?
Brice: “The Middle” was kind of funny because I was playing a bully and every time we would cut, I would ask the kid that I was supposed to be slamming into the lockers if he was ok. I am not a bully in any way, so I am always worried about the people around me. My mom says my alter ego is Milton the Accountant lol. On “Criminal Minds” it was different. I actually had a stunt coordinator assigned to me to make sure I didn’t get hurt because I was the one being bullied by a teacher and he was supposed to be trying to slam me into a desk and I was supposed to be trying to protect myself.
They even parked my mom at the front of the classroom in a chair to be close to watch because they wanted to make sure she was ok with everything. The actor that played the teacher was great, my neck was sore after the takes because he had to grab me pretty hard to make it look real, he told me to smack him in the face for payback and I was like ok and my mom wasn’t in on that part, so I thought she was going to have a heart attack when I smacked him. He laughed and told her he told me to do it. It was my first drama scene and it turned out pretty good!

Brice Evan Fisher with the Kidnap Family
indieactivity: What plans do you have for the future?
Brice: That is a great question. I know I am going to go to college, but I am not sure what I really want to do long term. I want to do a lot of things and learn a lot of things, so while I can I am going to try to do as much as possible. Right now I am working on a new YouTube channel with my friend Walker called “The no life guys”. We are building a gaming computer for our first episodes from scratch. We just went and picked out all of the components, my mom got them for me for my 16th Birthday.
indieactivity: Comedy, horror, action and drama seem to interest you. Which do you prefer?
Brice: I love them all, I think I am starting to become really good at drama now, before I would have said comedy. I love to watch horror. I hope to be in a horror movie one day. My friend Marcus Henderson did an amazing job in “Get Out”; I would love to do something like that.
In Conversation with Michael Oblowitz Director of Confidential Informant
Confidential Informant stars Mel Gibson, Dominic Purcell, and Kate Bosworth