I was born in Russia and grew up in the country. Our home was surrounded by the forest on one side and the fields on the other. I spent most of my time observing nature. The forest was a mysterious world to me; a place where beautiful and indescribable creatures lived. There were just about two or three kids my age, no wonder that I started to create my own world in my head to entertain yourself. So, I started to write stories, it was the only way for me to have an adventure or travel to see the other side of the world. I traveled inside my mind. At 14, I moved to the city, finished school and graduated from “Smolensk Teachers Training University”. Then I moved to Moscow, found a job at the Movie Company. I moved to LA after couple of years.
How would you describe your work as a director
Like James Bond on the mission
How did you get into directing
I started as an actress, as most girl-directors (I think). I took two different acting classes in Moscow, then studied acting in London. When I went back to Moscow I directed and produced my first music video “Liana“. Then I directed a couple of my ideas – I listened to the music and made it my own, I created visualizations from it. I wanted to give the sound an impressive vision – It was “one-of a-kind” experience. And this is my favorite part in directing – to explore people, feelings, and emotions.
There were seven people on set and everyone was a gave some magical substance to the project. That night we shot two videos for six hours! And “Step by step” life brought me behind the camera, from being an actor.
How do you choose a project to direct
I don’t. I believe that the project chooses the director. If you feel the project and can become a part of the story – it works, if not – it doesn’t work even if you are a professional.
Describe what uniqueness female directors can bring to TV, Film, or cinema
For me there is no differences in the gender but in the visions of this or that mind and heart
Do you take courses to increase you craft
Yes. I still take acting classes it helps me understand staging, when the character is in the moment.
I like the “Ivana Chubbuck Studio”, “The Lee Strasberg Theater” and “The Film Institute”. But the best education is on the set of a production. When I started in the movie industry, I worked on set from the clapper to the first AD and second Director. This is the best way for the director to learn the inner world of filmmaking. You achieve the balance learning every segment of the process.
What books do you read
My favorite question! I am ready to sell my soul to the devil for the book! I am in love with the classics! “The Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin is my favorite! But I do love Shakespeare , Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, Tolstoi, Lermontov, Pushkin, Griboyedov , Hemingway, Ken Kesey.
If you want to read about Art of Drama, Art of Directing, read: “Story Seminar” by Robert McKee, “Art of Dramatic Writing” by Lajos Egri. But most of all i like to read biographies: Warner brothers, Steve Jobs, Audrey Hepburn, and Steven Spielberg.
Why will you choose an actor, writer or producer. What do you look for
This is the only way I can understand who I am. Explore my soul, potential and develop it, channel it.
What do you do after you get a project
People. The crew.
Briefly explain your latest work
I directed videos for Model Hostess they were four interviews, and two videos kind of commercials. Great experience for me! This was my first attempt at interviews and working with a voice over talent.
What thing/situation helps you during production
Working with people who are more talented than I am is the best situation. It’s an amazing journey when people with specific, endless talents can help bring your vision to life.
What challenges did you experience on you latest production
The project is still in production. We have made a teaser and the challenge was to gather my crew and fly to Siberia. That was really fun and that was an expedition with so many challenges! But we did it. We even re-wrote the end of the story.
What thing helps you in production
Talks and discussions with my crew and at the same time – solitude. I am always trying to balance between this two sides.
Explain a creative choice you took on set in a recent production
Hmm! That was when we had to show the aggressive soul of the picture to the audience. The were roses on the picture — so we took thorns from real roses and stuck them on the picture. The picture looked even dangerous!!
How can filmmakers find investors
This is already a psychology. Here the brain starts to work. A very interesting part of production! You have to analyze your project. What sides of human life does it touch? Politics? Religion? Humanity? Relationship? This process will help you to see in what niche you must make your search. Then ask yourself – What is the conflict in your story? Who can be interested in such kind of story or would like to take a part ? Maybe even for whom such a project will be the help or the opportunity to be heard by the audience too. Make the research in your brain. Question by question, answer by answer you will find everyone you need.
How do you prefer to work with a producer during a production
When everyone knows exactly what they are responsible for and do not interfere in others departments.
Who is your favorite director
Steven Spielberg
Why this director
He has the deepest heart I have ever seen. And, I am in love with the way he tells the story.
Briefly write about your career
I never took part in festivals or put my works in competitions, just because I am still learning my power of creation. I don’t have much to say yet about my career, but I would love to keep an eye on upcoming directors. And for sure I would like to share my future experiences.
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