I started acting a little over two years ago after taking a class in tv/film. I instantly fell in love with it and since then I have done several indie films, lots of commercial and modeling work, and I have experienced some on set work in Atlanta as well. I also love to dance hip- hop and I am involved dance at my HS.
I take weekly film/tv classes and participate in different workshops throughout the year. I signed with an Atlanta agency (Avery Sisters/Premier Models and Talent) almost a year ago after gaining experience in several films and producing a reel. If I am not on set, you can almost always find me at the beach!
indieactivity: How did you become an actor?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: No one moment triggered my acting career. I am actually kind of a shy person by nature. I think that is why I enjoy acting. I get to become so many different people without judgement and just be in the moment.
I was never a theatre person. I began after deciding to sign up for an acting class in Jacksonville in Film/TV about two years ago. (Hollywood Acting Studios) I was hooked after that and I love all the people I have met along my journey. Plus, it is just so much fun!

Alyssa Hailey Commons as Elle in Transcend
indieactivity: What acting technique do you use?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: I do not use one technique. Sometimes I will go Method if I have a very serious role that has a lot of emotion. Normally, I just analyze the character/script and put myself in the moment.
I am fortunate to be able to act on demand and put myself in the moment quickly. (Tandem Media is big on this method in Jax and I have also taken classes there) People tell me that I am a very natural actress. I try to be as truthful to the character as possible based on my own experiences. (or research if I have not experienced it!)
indieactivity: What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: I am only 15 so I still have so much to learn. However, I will say becoming a professional actor does not happen overnight. I am still trying hard to get there! It requires strong commitment, patience and a tough exterior along with lots of rejection!
You need a lot of drive and passion to keep going. Sometimes it can be discouraging, but then you push through it until your next key role. My mom has been very supportive which has also been very helpful.

Alyssa Hailey Common as ‘Mary’ in Onion Film (Short FIlm 2018)
indieactivity: Do you take courses to improve your craft?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: Absolutely, I take classes in TV/Film as well as workshops throughout the year. I like to try different coaches/workshops to see if they help stimulate innovative ideas.
indieactivity: What acting books do you read?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: I hate to admit it, but I am not really a book worm!! However, I do study by watching LOTS of movies! Does that count? 😊
indieactivity: How do you keep fit as an actor?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: Lots of surfing and dancing. A day at the beach is my next favorite thing after a day on set!!! Nothing more peaceful than the ocean! I plan to get scuba certified very soon.
indieactivity: How do you prepare for a role?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: I read the script several times to get to know the characters and the back story. I try to put myself into the mindset of my character and how I would feel. Sometimes, I will rehearse with apps or record myself and watch back to see if I can do anything different and make sure it seems real.

Alyssa Hailey Common in Jenny & Elle
indieactivity: How do you create a character?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: I try to make the character unique and give it different personalities. I think about what would make this character endearing to an audience. Sometimes I will use some different voices or try to think of real life stories/personal experiences to relate.
indieactivity: How do you stay fresh on a production set?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: When I am on set I am normally very focused on my character. I really don’t take many breaks but when I do it is easy for me to snap back into character fast. Oh, and lots of powder for retouching!
indieactivity: Explain a creative choice you took on set?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: On the set of the film Alone, the Director, Anthony Penney, set up a very emotional scene where I had to walk in on the suicide of my best friend. He did not give me a lot of direction because he wanted me to make it my own.
He wanted the emotion to be real. This is one of those times where I had to go method to bring out the inner pain. I ended up winning an award for that performance so hopefully I did something right!!

Alyssa Hailey Commons as ‘Teenage Delia’ in Something to Lose
indieactivity: Describe a memorable character you played?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: OI think two come to mind. I really liked a recent character named Elle in a Sci-fi short I did recently. (Jenny and Elle 6-2018) It was a lot of fun because there was tons of action and I also was able to use superpowers.
This was for the Jax 48-hour film festival. The other one would be Ms. Valentine in Blinded last year. That one was not a lead role, but it was a unique character I was able to create, and I got to use a cool voice with some interesting special effects/costuming. I also had the scene to myself!
indieactivity: What do you want most from a director?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: I would like him/her to put forth their best effort and take the time that is needed to produce a solid film. I also want them to create a compelling story/script so as an actor we have something to work with. Finally, to complete the film in a reasonable timeframe.
indieactivity: What actors do you long to work with?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: Adam Sandler. I LOVE comedies because I watch movies to be entertained and mostly because I love to laugh. A few of my favorites from him would be Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison since they are really funny. However, Ryan Reynolds would be a close second! Okay, I cannot leave out Will Ferrell either. Are you seeing a pattern???

Alyssa Hailey Commons Reba (TV Pilot)
indieactivity: What advice would you give to actors?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: Keep chasing your passion, practice your craft with friends and never give up!
indieactivity: Briefly write about your career?
Alyssa Hailey Commons: Transcend-I played a character named Elle in a supernatural thriller. I was a demon hunter in training and this is still in post.
Penny-A Halloween thriller where I played the lead role of Sheila who is the typical mean teen that gets murdered at the end.
Eden-Another supernatural/fantasy film where I played the lead teen role with supernatural powers.
Something to Lose-A family drama where I played a teenage version of one of the main characters. This was a great cast of people with many from Jacksonville.
Blinded-A dark drama that take a twisted metaphorical journey into the dark sides of love. I had the artsy unique character in this one!

Alyssa Hailey Commons as Miss Valentine in Blinded
Alone-I played the best the best friend of the main character that struggles with deep depression and ends up committing suicide. This was for the Orlando Indie Filmmakers festival which is an amazing team of filmmakers in Orlando. Despite the topic it was an interesting role because it touches on a very sensitive topic in the world right now that many refuse to address. (mental health)
Onion– This was a lead role where I got to explore the several different personalities of a typical teenager and her daily struggles. This was a really fun role to play.
Jenny and Elle-A Disaster/Sci-Fi/Superhero movie done for the Jax 48-hour film project. This was tons of fun with lots of action in a great setting! (and cool special effects!!)
Kept-This is now in pre-production. It is another thriller touching on some interesting social issues where three teens end up in a tiny, dark room together!!!!!! I cannot reveal any more info yet.
I did also participate in a pilot for a tv series in Atlanta, but unfortunately it was not picked up!!! I have some other things I am working on that I cannot discuss quite yet. Please follow my pages for updates. Thank you so much for reading!
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