Krit Komkrichwarakool is an award-winning Thai-Canadian Director and Writer based in Vancouver BC. Originally from Bangkok, Krit earned a degree in Communication Design. Then moved to Canada to pursue a career in film. Integrating his knowledge of design with his approach to filmmaking, Krit brings a unique point of view to his storytelling.
His notable work so far includes; Auganic, official selection at Palm Springs International ShortFest, ‘Best Live-Action Short’ winner at deadCenter Film Festival. Plantonic, premiered at Inside Out Film Festival, ‘Outstanding Short Film’ winner at Reelworld Film Festival, ‘Best Screenplay’ winner at Vancouver Short Film Festival. Freefall, ‘Best Director’ winner at Moscow Shorts, ‘Best Short Film’ nominee at the 2018 Leo Awards. His latest film Palindrome is currently in post-production.
indieactivity: How did you get into directing?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): I was drawn by visual storytelling for as long as I can remember and when I moved to Canada from Thailand, my goal was to become a cinematographer. But once I discovered that language barrier wasn’t as big of an obstacle for me to write my own stories, I became more confident to step into directing as well.
The Official Trailer for AUGANIC Directed by Krit Komkrichwarakool
How would you describe your style?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): There’s something about the stillness and precision of mundane activities that I have grown to appreciate over the years. ‘Slow-burn’ would probably be how I describe my style as of now. To let the characters sink into the moment and allow them to take their time to reflect on whatever the journey I put them through.
What criteria go into your casting and what went into the casting process for “Auganic”?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): It’s always about whoever fits these roles the best for me, first and foremost. Auditions can be such an unusual process and removed from the whole filmmaking experience. It can be quite challenging from both ends, but I have been lucky that I have found that little spark with most of my actors.
The core of ‘Auganic’ is about the relationship between these two guys. It’s about two people who are deeply in love. That’s why the chemistry test between our two leads was our priority from the very beginning. I had worked with Kenny Brain on my previous film and already knew he would carry the role I pretty much wrote for him. The other leading role, however, took quite some time to find. When we had Matt Dejanovic coming in for a zoom audition, I knew right away that he was our guy. But it wasn’t until the in-person chemistry test that we really sealed the deal with our two leads, as they both blew it out of the park.

Without giving anything away, tell us a little bit about the script, how did you come up with the idea?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): It wasn’t really one thing that inspired me to write the film. There was an idea I wrote down in my dream journal that became the key plot of the film, and there was another idea from a few awkward moments I had in the doctor’s office. Then the pandemic happened. I had to pivot my job and made compromises in relationships that became the theme of the film. All these fragments just collided into this odd little film and it just made sense to me.
Who is “Auganic” for? Who do you think would enjoy it the most?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): I’d like to think that the story has a universal theme that everyone can relate to. But for me specifically, it was a love letter to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. I wanted to show a little bit of the lighter side of our stories and how our mundane lives and its unique quirks are just as worth-telling as any others’ stories.
How long did it take to shoot the entire film and how long was the post-production process?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): The shoot itself took only just three days. Post-production however, it took over 6 months to finish the VFX shots. There was one shot in particular that we tried to do practical on set, but it just didn’t happen. Luckily we had two amazing teams from Distillery VFX and BOT VFX to help us. Then we completed the film with our talented composer Aaron Smail, our sound designer Christopher Clark, and the colorist Joseph Schweers who was also our cinematographer.

The film had talents working behind the scenes. Why is diversity important in front and behind the camera?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): I think there’s a fine line to this subject. There’s no doubt a disproportion when it comes to the marginalized representations within the film industry. As a person of color myself, I have experienced it. However, I do not hold the same sentiment for indie productions, compared to studio projects. Because we don’t have nearly the same capacity to consider as many people as they do. Our productions often happened really quickly and with limited numbers of people. So while my team and I will always take this step into consideration, the best people available for the job will be who I’ll want to work with. And I believe we had the best team for this production. That being said, this is an ongoing conversation on a larger scale than just one short film, and I think we’re moving into the right direction by just discussing it.
What are your goals with “Auganic”?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): I actually have two answers for this question. My first answer is a simple one. I loved the story and I wanted to do something with it. Perhaps it would help my career and guide me to my first feature. A less simple answer is that I wanted to make something that I wish I had seen when I was younger. When I felt like being who I am is wrong. Perhaps growing up Queer wouldn’t have been as lonely as it was. And if I can do that for someone else too, that’s the goal.

Who is your favorite director? Why?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): I have so many favorite directors but the one that comes to mind right now is Andrew Haigh. I just love his sensibility in his storytelling and how he managed to make stories with such trivial conflicts into something so moving and captivating.
What’s next for you? What are you working on right now?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): I just finished another short film called Palindrome with Grand Boulevard Entertainment, Pendulum Films, and GARDEN. It’s a psychological drama that is quite different from Auganic. I also just wrapped another short film that will hopefully come out next year, as well as continuing to write my first feature script.
What advice would you give to a new director at the beginning of their journey?
Krit Komkrichwarakool (KK): I’m not sure I’m in the best position to give advice, but perhaps I can share something that I am also learning. This industry is filled with rejections. It’s important to take a few steps back from our work and see what we are doing as a bigger picture. Because our art can come from us but it is not all of us. So don’t strive to be a suffering artist just for the sake of it. We can learn to separate ourselves from our art and enjoy the process along the way. Otherwise, what’s the point of doing it at all? Life is hard enough.
Tell us what you think of the interview with Krit Komkrichwarakool. What do you think of it? What ideas did you get? Do you have any suggestions? Or did it help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.