Chynna Walker was born in Norman, Oklahoma but moved to Flower Mound Texas when she was five (5). “I lived most of my childhood in my own imagination, often playing alone in my room,” says Chynna. “I was shy when perceived by many, and had a massive fear of being on a stage unless I was dancing in a recital – though a part of me really craved the bravery to perform in other ways. In middle school I worked up the courage to do an acting class as an elective. From then on, I was hooked,” Chynna continued. Acting was one of the scariest things she had ever done.
Chynna says, “There wasn’t a single time I went up on a stage or in front of a class where I didn’t feel close to collapsing from fear – but that very fear is what created the high and thrill of it all, and since then I’ve been addicted.” She continues, “Though that heart pounding, pulse racing fear isn’t nearly as intense as it was when I was 12, my relationship with acting and performance has remained one of the greatest joys of my life – a big part of that being the reckless abandon and release of it all I have to endure to do it.”
indieactivity: What acting technique do you use?
Chynna Walker (CW): I’m never quite sure how to answer this question, though I can say with some confidence the technique I learned is founded in Stanislavski with inspiration from some other teachers as well (Uta Hagen, Meisner). Mostly, it’s just Brestoff and Borba (my acting professors at UC Irvine). They teach actors how to find the truth within themselves, and release. That sounds a little vague and woo woo, but it’s true! Really, they just try to get you to do the thing instead of act like you’re doing the thing. To believe in the circumstances, and play within them and to listen! It’s all very simple and annoyingly complex at the same time.

How did you get connected to the project?
Chynna Walker (CW): I auditioned for the part through Backstage. I sent in an initial tape, and then Nick asked for a second – and then I was cast!
Let’s take this project you did; how did you prepare for such a role: the cast, the physicality the terrain, the climate, weather and the demands of the project?
Chynna Walker (CW): Thankfully, working in Spain and London was a dream – and besides some jetlag, adjusting to the environment was very easy. Everyone on this set was immediately welcoming, and very collaborative. Though I did my own personal preparations before getting there, there was so much we explored and found within the rehearsals and actual shooting of the scenes that truly influenced the storytelling. I’m really grateful I got to work with such talented, kind individuals that made everything so easy and fun.
How do you create the character from a script into a person?
Chynna Walker (CW): For this role, and for most of the roles I do, I spend a lot of time absorbing the script without making specific performance choices. I get to know the character, the circumstances, and exactly why they are doing what they are doing and saying what they’re saying.
I use different tools depending on what I feel helps me connect with the truth of the work – a big one I love is improvising a scene in my own words to kind of find the heart of it. But then, of course, the collaboration on set is what really helped me bring Hattie to life.

This is a placeholder text, for the interview question?
Chynna Walker (CW): this is a placeholder text, that indicates that the content for this template must be placed between this block, to allow the article to hold a firm structure and also kill time for the writer or editor.
What part of the story challenged you when you read it? What drove you to get on the project?
Chynna Walker (CW): Hattie herself is what made me the most excited to be on this project. I had never been cast in a role like this, so her complexity as a character in and of itself was very challenging but also really thrilling to get to tackle.
Explain one creative choice you took on the set of this production?
Chynna Walker (CW): Oh gosh, it’s been so long that I really don’t remember a specific moment! I just remember always feeling free to express my inner thoughts with Nick, and he always made me feel really respected and valued as a performer and collaborator. That was very special to me, and has truly helped me trust my instincts in every project since.
What advice do you give actors regarding what you learnt on the project?
Chynna Walker (CW): Stay open, ask questions, trust your instincts, and throw yourself at the work 100%.

Tell us what you think of the interview with Chynna Walker. What do you think of it? What ideas did you get? Do you have any suggestions? Or did it help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter.