Well, I started gymnastics at the early age of 3. I loved it. Performing in front of crowds was always exciting. Throughout elementary school and high school, I continued performing in gymnastics on a much higher level at state championship tournaments. I also participated in various school plays growing up and acting was something that would come into my thoughts for just a moment, and then I’d dismiss it. I didn’t know where to start so I just figured it would never happen I suppose.
indieactivity: Tell us about yourself?
Brandi Mosko (BM): Well, I started gymnastics at the early age of 3. I loved it. Performing in front of crowds was always exciting. Throughout elementary school and high school, I continued performing in gymnastics on a much higher level at state championship tournaments. I also participated in various school plays growing up and acting was something that would come into my thoughts for just a moment, and then I’d dismiss it. I didn’t know where to start so I just figured it would never happen I suppose.
What acting technique do you use?
Brandi Mosko (BM): I pretty much used the practical aesthetics method. I do not have any military background. My father did, but not me. Every scene I pretty much just tried to take a little while prior to filming and understand exactly what was happening in the scene and if I was in that situation how would I respond to that.
We really didn’t have any military type of consultant on standby so the best we could do is think of what we might do in that scenario without going over the line of what a soldier would do also and respond with that type of emotion and/or action. The director told us to not focus on the lines too much. Just focus on the emotion and what needs to be addressed in the scene and deliver it the best way we could. This helped a lot of us as we were able to improv a lot, and nothing had to be verbatim
The Official Trailer for Called to Duty starring Brandi Mosko
How did you get connected to the project? Did you have to audition? If you did, would you still have got the part?
Brandi Mosko (BM): A friend of the family stopped over to visit me and my mother one night and told us he is helping produce a fighter jet movie and they are casting for female pilots. I immediately replied “ME ME ME ME, I WANNA DO THAT! GET ME IN!” Well, one week later I was “called to duty” or uh…called to audition. And here I am now. The audition was really impressive. I walked into the film studio.
There were a lot of actors there. We all had to put on a flight suit, a helmet and sit in this fighter jet while we read our lines. The director and writer felt it would be easier for us all to get in character for the audition and I suppose they wanted to see how we looked and sounded as pilots as well. After the audition I got a call a few weeks later and I got the part!
How did you prepare for the role: cast, physicality terrain, climate, weather the demands of the project?
Brandi Mosko (BM): We had many, many rehearsals with the director. We would film in the cockpit and watch it back and then make adjustments accordingly if the director didn’t feel it was working.
As one of the cast on the project, how did this ‘choice’ work for you?
Brandi Mosko (BM): I really liked this method. Being able to see myself on camera, in uniform, in a jet prior to the actual takes was a blessing. A lot of people cringe when they hear themselves on camera. So, a few times I was like “oh my, yeah um…I wanna say that differently”. The rehearsals were awesome.

What part of the story challenged you when you read it? What drove you to get on the project?
Brandi Mosko (BM): I think the most challenging part was trying to stay awake. We had incredibly long hours. The cast were on a Navy ship, and we were at the mercy of the ship and its staff. We were only allowed to film during certain times so as to not to interfere with their daily operations so sometimes we were on set all through the night. As for the challenging part of the script? I’d have to say the scenes in the cockpit. It was very HOT in the aircraft hangar where we were filming and we had to wear a full suit, helmet and a face mask.
NO oxygen was coming through that mask. I think the production assistants had to keep wiping sweat from our face and the makeup had to keep being fixed. However, I absolutely love the fact that it was chicks flying jets ha-ha! I mean c’mon. How cool is that? Never done before. Let’s do it. And for my first film! Yeah, I think most people would get excited about that.
Explain one creative choice you took on the set of this production?
Brandi Mosko (BM): There were a few times on set that I had a little difficulty trying to interpret the lines that the director envisioned in the character. We were all given the option to deliver the lines in our own style and if the director liked it, they would keep it. If our way was not working then we had to go by the script. So, I came up with my own cute little style for my character on how she would talk and reply with a little sarcasm and the director liked it, so I was able to keep that style throughout the rest of the script.
You are not new to indie films. What do you enjoy about the work that keeps you working?
Brandi Mosko (BM): Honestly, I love the fact that I get to step away from everyday life and be someone else. It was so much fun, and I wish I could do it every day rather than hold a 9-5 punching a time clock.

Give an example of a direction you received from the director during the production?
Brandi Mosko (BM): In the very beginning of filming, I remember the director was playing around with ideas for the opening intro of the film. And one of the ideas was to show the female pilots doing physical training. Now don’t get me wrong. I like to stay fit and look great but one thing I don’t like doing is running. Well wouldn’t you know it? The director had this amazing idea of “Hey let’s do some drone shots and I’ll have the drone following you guys while you are running as part of the opening scene.”
I HATE TO RUN! But what can you say? Your first day on set you’re not going to start complaining. So, I was like ok. I’ll suck it up for a quick run and we will be done. WRONG. All I heard was ” Ok, let’s do that again from another angle, it’s looking great.” And before you know it we were on like TAKE 10, Angle J. Oh my god. I was hurting! Then they said “Ok, everyone line up we are gonna do a scene of you all doing push-ups.” What????
How did you collaborate with your cast members from scene to scene?
Brandi Mosko (BM): The girls were all so amazing to work with. The production team was very stern about all of us getting together and rehearsing over and over before we were called for blocking. So that made everything run a lot smoother rather than just meet on set and get thrown into TAKE 1.
As the main cast in the film, describe the feeling of responsibility that you shouldered?
Brandi Mosko (BM): Yes. I was really nervous. I didn’t want to disappoint the other actors. You always want to shine and do your best. There were some actors that have been doing this a very long time and I didn’t want to be that first time actor that messed up. I just kept saying to myself. Imagine yourself on TV and the world is watching me.

What did you take away from the film production?
Brandi Mosko (BM): This being my first film has really seasoned me for the next project. Just understanding the lingo that is used on set will certainly make me a better actor on the next. It was such an amazing experience to see how films are assembled and all of the art / talent that goes into it. I really obtained a huge interest in possibly working as a production assistant, a set hand, or script supervisor on other productions. I fell in love with the whole process.
What do you like most about the director, and his/her collaboration with his/her team?
Brandi Mosko (BM): I love the way we are allowed to add our own style to our characters. A lot of other actors told me that some directors are very very stern and do not let you go off script. This team was the total opposite. They allowed us to be ourselves and if it worked they would keep it. If it didn’t then they would go by the script or alter it to a way that we could deliver it convincingly.
What is next for you?
Brandi Mosko (BM): I have two projects in the works right now. I am not sure if I am allowed to mention them just yet so I can’t really reveal what they are. What I can say is that I will be filming in August and September of this year, so I am super super stoked about that. I love being on set.
What advice do you give actors regarding what you learnt on the project?
Brandi Mosko (BM): Be prepared for long hours and stressful situations. There are a lot of different people on a set. Everyone has their own attitude and does things differently than the next person. You have to be able to juggle it all and enjoy the experience. Get lots of rest. You might be scheduled for only 4 hours of filming that day only to get on set and find out there is an equipment issue, or something is taking longer than expected and before you know it 12 hours goes by.

Tell us what you think of the interview with Brandi Mosko. What do you think of it? What ideas did you get? Do you have any suggestions? Or did it help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter.