indieactivity: How did you get into directing? How would you describe your style?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): We started directing short films during our studies at Cambridge University. We both had been writing before then, either for ourselves or for film as script writers. ‘MEOW!’ was our debut short film born of our love of magical realism, Czech New Wave, and independent cinema that we’ve seen over the years. We are film festivals lovers and have seen countless short films before making our debut. We both studied script writing at the time and wanted to branch out to finalise our vision not only on paper but also on screen.
Who is “MEOW!” for? Who do you think would enjoy it the most?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): We like to hope that “MEOW!” speaks to people who enjoy unconventional filmmaking and silent cinema. Although our film is not completely silent, we tried to work around dialog and portray the main character’s emotions through actions that sometimes felt even cartoonish. The film is about longing and dealing with loneliness, portrayed through the character of the missing cat ‘Meow’ and the ever downtrodden hunchbacks. The film is for people prone to spells of lonely introspection in the midst of a populated city.
The Official Trailers for MEOW!
How long did it take to shoot the entire film?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): We shot the film altogether in four days and a two day hangover that perhaps counts as an essential part of filmmaking.
How long was the post-production process?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): Post production took 4 months.
The film had a lot of talent working behind the scenes as DPs, sound designers, composers, etc. Why is diversity important both in front of and behind the camera?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): We can’t overstate the importance of the team behind MEOW!, without their work and creativity the movie could have never been made. Everything works together to create the distinct atmosphere and feel of MEOW! For instance our lead actor, Paige’s wonderful physicality was hugely complemented by Noemi Fintor’s costume work, making her character bounce and float across the screen. Filip Kettner, our DoP was able to create some stunning images that capture and enhance the actor’s emotions, with what were ultimately very limited resources. The more diverse your crew the richer the finished product will be.

hat are your goals with “MEOW!”?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): We mainly want MEOW! to be seen, we think audiences could get a lot out of it. Beyond that, it is our first of hopefully many films. And we believe it is a proof of concept for the style that we are interested in exploring and we have been developing through our theatre and film work.
What’s next for you? What are you working on right now?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): After showing out three theatre plays at Edinburgh Fringe, we are planning to continue our theatre run in London in 2025, as well as finishing our other folklore-horror short film “Ash Wednesday”, which is currently in post-production.
What would you recommend to a new director at the beginning of his/ her journey? Any special courses, workshops, helpful books they can read?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): This year we participated in the short film festival Straight8 which screened at the BFI IMAX in London. The process of creating a short film for Straight8 is very fun and perfect for up and coming directors who want to learn filmmaking. We would definitely suggest making a short film on a simple analog super8 camera, since it teaches you the basics and looks good on screen. As for books we think doing is the best way to learn, but Picture by Lilian Ross is a great read for anyone that loves film.

Who is your favorite director? Why?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): David Robert Mitchell for his lush, conspiracy-laden mysteries and masterful use of dread. But ask us again in a week! It could be Julia Ducornau for her body horror, or Milos Forman for his love of buffoonish firemen.
What advice would you give directors around the world?
Ariel de la Garza (AG): We have very little advice to give. Perhaps the directors of this world can give us advice back. If you’re reading this interview please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Tell us what you think of the interview with Ariel de la Garza and Michal Vojtech. What do you think of it? What ideas did you get? Do you have any suggestions? Or did it help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
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