June 1, 2022 – Hollywood, California. William Espero retired from the state government in 2018. “Will” as he is fondly called or William Espero served in the Hawaii State Legislature for 19 years. He served three years in the House of Representatives, and 16 years in the State Senate. Senate Leadership positions he held included Senate Vice-President and Majority Floor Leader. He was also chairman of the Senate Housing Committee and the Committee on Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs.
“A full-service film studio with its own film production division, talent agency, international film festival, magazine, and an online streaming platform, Global Film Studio is well-positioned to expand its network and capacity, and to become an industry leader,” says Wiliam Espero.
Will Espero is a newly appointed member of the Board of Directors for Global Film Studio. He is also part of the management team at Global Film Studio. Will joins Bruno Pischiutta (film director and producer), Daria Trifu (film producer), and Elio Dell’Unto. Other board members (also of the Advisory Board) are former plenipotentiary Romanian ambassador to Cuba and renown historian, Dr. Dumitru Preda. Thirdly are Fadi Karam (the GM/VP of Marketing at Nestlé) and Flaminia Graziadei (film director). Fourth, are world-renown music producer and composer, Jadean Jourden, and devotee to niche films and film critic, Dr. Marco Dall’Omo.

In addition to his role on the Board, Will Espero will serve as the company’s executive head of media and investor relations. “A few weeks ago, we announced the production of three major feature films, a trilogy with the theme of freedom of speech,” says chairman Bruno Pischiutta. “I approved with joy the appointment of Will Espero to our Board and I am sure that his professionalism, talent, and enthusiasm are the rare elements that will enable us to achieve the results we aim for.”
For his part, Espero echoes Pischiutta’s statement and says, “I am honored and delighted to have the opportunity to work with Bruno and Daria in promoting nonviolence and social consciousness, and to assist with media and investor relations.”
The company’s president, Daria Trifu, adds “I had the privilege of getting to know Will and I feel that, with his lively intelligence, abundant curiosity, and sharp negotiating skills, he will be of great help in many of our activities, and especially functional in building relationships with investors and the mainstream media. I believe that his input will aid in taking our film studio to the next level and that his presence on our Board will be an impactful one!”

In the state legislature, Espero has been a strong supporter and advocate for culture and the arts. In 2019, he and his partners created Hawaii On Art, a television program series highlighting Hawaii’s local artists. The series is currently streaming on Global Film Studio‘s paid channel, available to viewers worldwide at globalcinema.online
Global Cinema Online features nonviolent films, documentaries, and television series. The content is selected one by one by a team of highly qualified and award-winning filmmakers who pay special attention to production quality and plot relevance. Since its launch in April 2021, the channel has accumulated a catalog of more than 150 films and adds topical content weekly. Since 2012, Global Film Studio has also organized the annual Global Nonviolent Film Festival, which went fully online in 2016. The festival is the largest and most renowned nonviolent film festival in the world. Will Espero will be a juror for the 2022 edition, which will be held from September 29 to October 9.
William Espero also has a love for writing. He published a book of haiku titled Sunday Haiku. In 2021 Espero completed his first novel, titled Passion In Paradise, which is about politics, business, love, and a lot of drama set on the paradise island of Hawaii. William Espero will be a contributor to Daria!, the art, culture, and entertainment magazine published by Global Film Studio. Originally available in print and published annually since 2005, the magazine will become an online publication this month. For its new launch, Espero wrote an exclusive article on the Kennedy-era documentaries about Camelot, which were just released as a world premiere by globalcinema.online
“I am grateful for the opportunity to join the team at this important time when, in my view, it is only a matter of time before Global Film Studio and its products become universally recognized. The growth potential of the company, especially in a digital market, is unlimited, and I look forward to this promising and exciting chapter in my life,” Espero concludes.
About Global Studio
Global Film Studio Inc. is a privately held Canadian media company. Its operations focus on film production and distribution, talent management, film festival organization, and publishing. Global Film Studio has six divisions including the Global Nonviolent Film Festival (founded in 2012), Global Film Actors Agency (founded in 2012), and Global Cinema Online (founded in April 2021).
Will Espero is a Filipino-American born in Yokosuka, Japan at the U.S. Naval base where his father was stationed in 1960. He grew up around the world and moved to Hawaii after graduating from Seattle University in 1982 with a degree in Business Management. He worked for Mayor Frank Fasi as the executive secretary of the Neighborhood Commission in charge of Oahu’s Neighborhood Board system for 8 years. Espero’s career in politics includes serving 19 years in the Hawaii State Legislature, three years in the House of Representatives, and 16 years in the State Senate. Senate Leadership positions he held included Senate Vice-President and Majority Floor Leader. He was also chairman of the Senate Housing Committee and the Committee on Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs.
Bruno Pischiutta is one of the last great Italian filmmakers of his generation, and the only one who lives and works in America for forty years. During his film career, he created and developed numerous feature films in Europe, America, Africa, and Asia, and won important awards in several countries. In China, he wrote and developed the feature film The Sepia Portrait, and in Ghana, he completed the feature film Punctured Hope that the Hollywood Political Film Society submitted for nomination at the 2010 Academy Awards®: brunopischiutta.com
Daria Trifu is a Canadian film producer and media entrepreneur. Born in Romania, she moved to Canada in 1999. In 2003, she opened her first film company, Adhara Properties,
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