Ep. 5 of 202 is directed by Justin Pattern, stars Malynda Hale, Tia Robinson, Lyonel Roneau and Harry Holmes

In episode 5, 202 The Series Lola’s sister, Patrice, comes to town. Dwight and Steven’s secret is revealed.
Story: While having one roommate might not seem ideal for some, two or more roommates can be an easy recipe for disaster. “202 The Series” follows three African American roommates and their struggles to achieve their dreams while figuring out how to pay rent. After falling months behind on rent, struggling singer Nya Gold and her straight laced friend Lola have to find a new roommate. Dwight moves in and brings secrets, drama and a whole lot of sass.” The previous episodes are available to be watched on YouTube, view more episodes of 202 The Series click HERE.
202 The Series is created by Mykell Barlow