Austin, TX – March 2, 2022 – Queer comedians Andrew Stier and Erik Martinez have released a podcast on LGBT+ representation in media following the success of their online videos over similar topics. The title? “Rainbow Room”.
“It’s a nod to our Tik-Tok videos which kinda started this all,” says Stier, creator of the series Predicting Which Pieces of Gay Media had Enough Gay Men in the Writer’s Room. “I had seen my own experiences slightly misrepresented in mainstream media and made some videos poking fun at this. I was surprised my opinions resonated with so many people”. The videos have received thousands of likes and responses. Simultaneously, Martinez was experiencing similar engagement with his own videos on depictions of gay men. “I really was just being silly in my room, it wasn’t even my intention to have a video spark discussion of gay media representation,” says Martinez. “When Andrew started receiving the exact same traction (in a much more professional way, might I add) the idea of us starting a podcast felt kismet!”
Stier and Martinez had met years before through their college improv group, Gigglepants, at the University of Texas at Austin. Rainbow Room comes as a natural predecessor to their videos and takes a deep dive into a different piece of gay media each episode. The podcast explores writing, representation, and Stier and Martinez’s first-hand accounts of gay culture and gay experiences. The tone is light, clean, and fast-paced, with an expected runtime of 30-40 minutes per episode. “There’s clearly a lot of interest in this nuanced subject, and I’m excited to explore the intricacies more in-depth together,” says Stier.
The first episode, covering Love, Simon, premiered at the end of last month, and the duo plans to release episodes once a week. “We also have some fun guests lined up, but I’ll leave their identities as a surprise for now,” says Stier.
You can find the series on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. They also have a YouTube channel, a TikTok channel, and Instagram and Twitter account.
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