Interview: Dylan Stuner’s High School “Comedy-Horror”, Daniel’s Killer Birthday is HOT

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Dylan Stumer plays “Daniel” in Daniel’s Killer Birthday – Photo by Cassandra Warner

Daniel’s Killer Birthday is a short film that can be placed in a genre somewhere between high-school comedy and zombie horror. The story is about friendship, fitting in, acknowledging past mistakes and hordes of the undead. It explores the themes of friendship, through the main character Daniel, a lonely high schooler who fakes an interest in the occult to make friends, and the eventual spell he cast that actually worked.

Dylan Stumer stars in the lead role of “Daniel” in Daniel’s Killer Birthday. This short film is written and directed by Robert Shields, produced by Cassandra Warner. We talked to Dylan about his work making the film.

indieactivity : Hello Dylan, it is great to have you?
Dylan Stumer : Hey guys, it is great to be here. It is such a pleasure.

indieactivity : How did you get connected to the project? Did you have to audition? If you did, would still have got the part?
Dylan Stumer : These roles have a way of finding me! I came across this one from a friend with regards to a test-shoot. I helped with that, and after wrapping I mentioned to the director that I’d love to audition for the role too. A few weeks later and I had the part!

The lesson for me here was to always try help out wherever you can, and get in front of as many creative people as you can – show what you can bring to the table and be authentic and yourself.

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On the set of Daniel’s Killer Birthday Photo by Rylee Martinsen

indieactivity : As one of the main cast on the project, how did this ‘choice’ work for you?
Dylan Stumer : It didn’t really – in this case! I was just lending a hand and had the extra time to work with the director. It was an insider bonus! I put myself out there and it worked out.

indieactivity : What part of the story challenged you when you read it? What drove you to get on the project?
Dylan Stumer : Languages! There’s this particular scene in the film where we had to speak Latin. I remember reading it and was worried that I wouldn’t be able to get it right. In the end, we got it though – it came out great! I loved the script from the first time I read it – it was like watching it play out on screen as I read it the first time. I knew I had to be involved.

Interview: Dylan Stumer Aussie Actor talks Craft, Staying Relevant and Ready

indieactivity : You’re not new to indie films. What do you enjoy about the work that keeps you working?
Dylan Stumer : Personally, it has to be the cast, crew, and story. The fundamentals of a good film experience! I am an actor – I want to create and be creative. I want people to learn something from the stories we tell and to walk away having discovered something new; to be thinking and feeling on a different level than before. Film lets us do that – indie and otherwise.

indieactivity : Give an example of a direction you received from the director during the production?
Dylan Stumer : Robert was an amazing director – and so clear about what he wanted. He knew how to speak to the cast and crew and was so respectful and knowledgeable. There was not one direction that stood out – he was consistently wonderful. He would breakdown scenes and make sure we were connected to our characters and their journey. We also got some amazing rehearsal days, and that helped a lot!

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Daniel’s Killer Birthday – Photo by Cassandra Warner

indieactivity : How did you create your character from ground up?
Dylan Stumer : I always start with a thorough read. I just sit and go over the script and experience it from the first time. From there, I took what I knew about the character, my parents, my “friends”, interests, my goal, my past and everything in between and shaped him from there. Throughout the film, Daniel has incredible growth. I loved the difference of the character from the beginning to the end. I just let myself experience that evolution with him and appreciate each component that led to it.

indieactivity : As main cast on the film, describe the feeling of responsibility that you shouldered. Where you scared? Or did it fire you up? What scenes where difficult to shoot?
Dylan Stumer : Being a lead is definitely a big responsibility. I wanted to be sure I brought my A-Game every day and do justice to the character and the story. I made sure every cast member, crew member, and everyone else felt welcome. I wanted us to be able to work together, communicate, and collaborate. We had a difficult scene in a car; or, not difficult but definitely a turning point. Emotion is high and we had to be able to trust each other on the set. To be true to the filming experience. I had to have that relationship with everyone to make sure it came out the way it needed to.

indieactivity : What did you take away from the film production?
Dylan Stumer : I now understand a little Latin! Haha. But, film makes family. I have so many new friends and an appreciation for the teamwork involved in this production. It has to be one of the best shorts I’ve ever worked on. I got so much confidence from the team and my fellow cast members – Bethany Stewart, Nick Perrin, Niam Mayes, and Colleen Johnston-Devin were incredible to work with. It was a great shoot, a great team… and that is what makes a great short.

indieactivity : Explain one creative choice you made on set during production?
Dylan Stumer : I can’t give too much away on this one! There’s a library scene, and I had an idea to add an action at the end that fit perfectly. The director loved the addition.

indieactivity : What do you like most about the director, and his collaboration with his team?
Dylan Stumer : Robert knew what he wanted and he explained his vision clearly. He helped us understand our characters perfectly and the team effort he inspired was incredible.

indieactivity : What is next for you?
Dylan Stumer : I have another short film beginning within a few days! I am so excited to be on another project – it’s filled with talent and creativity

indieactivity : What advice do you give actors regarding what you learnt on the project?
Dylan Stumer : When reading a script, if there is something you think you can’t do – don’t be afraid of it. Talk to the director, and start learning. Express your concerns honestly, but also express that you want to work through them and utilise your team so that you can bring your A-Game to set.

Once I spoke up about my concerns about speaking Latin, Robert talked us through what each word meant, how to approach it, and how to deliver it. Never have doubt – push yourself and trust the process. It is a process! You’ve got this!

Tell us what you think of the interview with Dylan Stumer for “Daniel’s Killer Birthday” What do you think of it? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter @oladapobamidele

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About Dapo

I am a screenwriter and filmmaker. I am pre-production for my first feature film, Maya. I made four short films, sometime ago: Muti (2013), A Terrible Mistake (2011), Passion (2007) and Stuff-It (2007) -