Charles Bolprand creates a chilling descent into insanity in a short called ‘Them’

Claudia Rivarelli teams up with Charles Bolprand to create a film-noir short, Them

Charles Bolprand is a Uruguayan filmmaker. He is the writer and director of Them. He studied 3D animation at Animation Campus, and Film Direction & Production at Dodecá Film School. His short film Them, explores Insanity, using closed spaces (to create claustrophobia), film noir, extreme close-ups and contrasting grey and black to create dark cinematic themes.

The silent film is narrated by a female who switches or moves between the victim and the antagonistic condition of insanity. Claudia Rivarelli has pulled out a good performance working under rare conditions with closed spaces, and a single camera with Charles Bolprand to create the film-noir about the reality of fear that lurks in the subjective world of insanity in this film short, titled ‘Them’. Them is available on YouTube!

Synopsis: When the fear drags you into the confines of the mind, from where it’s better to stay out, from where it’s impossible to escape; they will be there, in the darkness, waiting for you.

If you would like to watch the short film, follow this link  THEM

A short film by: Charles Bolprand
Executive Producers: Claudia Rivarelli / Charles Bolprand
Costume & Make-Up: Claudia Rivarelli
Cast: Claudia Rivarelli
Graphic Design: Virginia Martinez / jotaErre. Agencia Digital
Translation: Fiorella Ceriani
Revised Translation: Calvin Cotton / Sherrie Miller
Special Thanks: Danny Templegod / Exe Pierri
A Production of VULPINOSFilm
© VULPINOSFilm, 2016


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About Michael

I review films for the independent film community