The Ballad of Tita and the Machines by Miguel Angel Caballero: AI meets its match in an elderly farm worker.
Scammerhead by Dan Zukovic Debuts on Streaming Platforms
Oscar®-qualifying Motherland; The Emotional Tale of a Young American-Korean Woman
The Quantum Devil Released by Crazed House Ltd and Redbox Entertainment
Oscar®-qualifying short “Last Days of the Lab” by María Alvarez explores a heartfelt story
Woman in the Maze on Cable, Satellite and Telco!
Home is a Hotel continues film festival run at Austin Film Festival and more
Home is a Hotel is also at San Diego Asian Film Festival, and New filmmakers Los Angeles Docuslate
Oscar® Qualifying Closing Dynasty by Lloyd Lee Choi: Youth Vs Harshness of Reality
Lloyd Lee Choi’s Oscar® qualifying film to screen in competition at 31st Raindance Film Festival
Oscar-qualified Short Film ISTINA (truth) by Tamara Denić Student Academy Award Winner
Tamara Denić’s Student Academy Award Winner and OSCAR-qualified short ISTINA (truth)