Date: 20 Nov. 2017
Case Study: The Making of Across the Tracks
Filmmaker: Mike Cooke
What is your film about?
Mike Cooke (MC): Two African American sisters grow up in racially charged 1960s Georgia, but one is born with fair skin. And when schools integrate in their small town, she decides to change her destiny – by passing for white. This story was written out a few things. My grandparents grew up in the small town of Arlington, GA. I spent a lot of time there as a kid and it always held a certain beauty to me.
I’ve wanted to film something there for as long as I could remember. When Kim and I were brainstorming ideas in the winter of 2013 i mentioned how i’d like to film something in Arlington. As a filmmaker you have to be resourceful and I knew I had access to a great picture town. We began to circle around what type of story we could tell there, and what type of story is worth telling.
Arlington was steeped in history from the 1st Civil Rights movement. Kim and I both felt a moral obligation to tell a story that served a purpose higher than entertainment.
Featurette: The making of ‘Across the Tracks’ by director Mike Cooke
Tell us about the festival run, marketing and sales?
MC: This was my first festival run as a Director, looking back on it I don’t know what I expected. I knew we had a great film and I wanted it to do its best. We applied to all the usual festivals. Sundance, Cannes, Tribeca etc… We got shortlisted at ABFF & Urbanworld but weren’t selected. We honestly hit our stride overseas.
Our first festival was Ikal Myang in Malaysia. A big government run initiative to tell more stories that put women at the center. We didn’t even show the whole film. They only wanted 2 minutes of the train tracks scene, that way we were able to keep our premier status. For a 2 minute clip they flew Kim and I out from NY, put us up in a nice hotel and comped all our meals.
I was floored by the reception of it all. We had good success back back home too, winning several festivals but it wasn’t until PAFF that we got noticed by the African Academy & got our nomination and the eventual win for Best Diaspora Short film. Because we won the AMAA (African Movie Academy Award) The Ceasers took notice of us and selected our short be apart of its annual Les Nuits En Or screening series this past April. Les Nuits En or screens during the month of April all the Academy Award winning short films that won that year in their respective countries. They also fly all the Directors out to Europe for the 10 days screening ceremony. It was insane.

All and all we had a very positive Festival Run. Reel Sisters of the Diaspora, Chelsea Film Festival and Pan African Film Festival were particularly great because of the people and an Excellent Q&A. It was great to screen amongst the people you want to represent/ PR & Marketing have been a grassroots effort. Kim & I do what we can and we’ve built a pretty good team who want nothing but to help spread the word about the film. but we’re still looking to leverage an experienced Social Media person to help us really get the word out
Dramatic Feature
Director: Michael Cooke
Producers: Errol Sadler, Kim James, Michael Cooke, Shaniqua Davis
Budget: 30k
Financing: Seed & Spark Crowdfunding
Production: Across The Tracks Film LLC
Shooting Format: RED Dragon
Screening Format: HD
World Premiere: Martha’s Vineyard African American Film Festival
Awards: African Movie Academy Award: Best Diaspora Short Film, Music Video & Screen Awards UK Best Short Film, Black Maria Film Festival Director’s Choice Award, Metropolitan Film Festival Best Short Film, Chelsea Film Festival Special Jury Prize & Best Supporting Actress: Carla McCullough, Reel Sisters of the Diaspora 2015 Best Short Film, Best Short Film Peachtree Village Int Film Festival
Website: Across the Tracks
Give the full official synopsis for your film?
MC: Two African American sisters grow up in racially charged 1960’s Georgia, but one is born with fair skin. And when schools integrate in their small town, she decides to change her destiny – by
passing for white.
The Official Trailer for Across The Tracks by Mike Cooke
The story begins with the sisters older and living very separate lives. The death of their mother brings them together again in the small town of their youth. As they lay their mother to rest, the past rises up to meet them and we witness the moment that tore their family apart. This short film tackles issues of identity, colorism, peer pressure and bullying and explores the damage that one momentary lapse in judgment can have on an entire life.
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