An Industry Case Study
Narrative | Dramatic Features
Film Name: Rat Tail
Genre: Short Autobiographical Documentary
Length of film: 15 mins
Date: Production completed March 2021
Director: Chad Sogas
Producer: Chad Sogas
Executive Producer: Katie Turinski
Writer: Chad Sogas
Cinematographer: Katie Turinski, Chad Sogas, Travis Wears
Editor: Chad Sogas
Composer: Patrick Cannell
Production Company: P One Three Productions, LLC.
Budget: $40,000
Financing: Self Funded
Shooting Format: Mixed Media – VHS, Red Camera (HD Format), Stills
Screening Format: MP4, DCP
World Premiere: Hot Docs International Film Festival
Awards: NA
Website: www.rattailfilm.com
The Official Trailer for Rat Tail
Watch The Trailer for Rat Tail directed by Chad Sogas
A Short Biography of Chad Sogas
Chad Sogas is a filmmaker who has spent the past twenty years working in every facet of the industry, from pre-production to post. Chad’s most recent short film, Rat Tail, played at the two biggest documentary festivals in North America (Hot Docs & DOC NYC) and was selected online as a Vimeo Staff Pick and Short of the Week. It also won an ADC Cube Award during the One Club’s Creative Week.
The Chad Sogas Interview
indieactivity: What is your film about?
Chad Sogas (CS): Rat Tail is a self-deprecating look at director Chad Sogas’ battle with depression using archival footage and ephemera from his past, focusing primarily on the rat tail he had for ten years that his parents still keep in the storage room of their basement.

Tell us about the festival run, marketing and sales?
Chad Sogas (CS): Rat Tail had its world premiere at Hot Docs International film festival. It has since played in a number of festivals, including LA Shorts International, Tirana International, HollyShorts, Melbourne Documentary and Lunenburg Doc Fest.
Give the full Official Synopsis for your film?
CS: Rat Tail explores director Chad Sogas’ battle with depression in this short autobiographical documentary. What begins as a comedic story about the rat tail he had for nearly ten years (that his parents still keep in the storage room of their basement) transcends into a journey of unexpected self-discovery and healing.
Development & Financing?
CS: Rat Tail started as a distraction from a screenplay I was struggling to write. I needed a new project I could finish quickly that I could use as a creative reset.
I settled upon the rat tail I had growing up that my parents still keep in their basement as the perfect subject for this new project. It was a quirky, relatable story about identity. Something that would be contained enough for me to self-finance it. I figured with some quick interviews with family and friends, childhood photos and rat tail wigs – the film basically wrote itself.

At least I thought it did. After the initial interviews I started the edit and immediately soundbites stuck out.
“You just needed someone else to express yourself through.”
“You were people-pleaser Chad.”
The fast, quirky film I started out making was resisting, compelling me to dig deeper, to explore aspects of myself I was not initially prepared to reveal. It was becoming less about the silly hairstyle I had growing up and more about the mental health issues I was dealing with in my adult life, mainly depression.
When a camera defect compromised the reenactment scenes, it drove my battle with depression to dangerous lengths, causing me to set the film aside for six months.
With some time away, I was able to come back to it with fresh eyes and the film finally began to find its voice. After seven months of editing, Rat Tail evolved from a superficial story about a hairstyle to a healing journey of unexpected self-discovery. The film finally found its identity, revealing my true self in the process.

Chad Sogas (CS): The original production schedule was abandoned when it became obvious that the film I set out to make was not the actual film I was making. Because I was self-financing it, the film had a more gradual process, which ultimately benefited the film and its narrative evolution.
Festival Preparation & Strategy?
CS: I submitted to a large number of festivals. I was fortunate that it was accepted into Hot Docs International Film Festival, the first one I had submitted to. After that the reputation of that festival went a long way to bringing interest from other festivals, both that I had and had not submitted to.
The Release?
CS: As it continues on its festival run, it currently does not have a release date set.

Advice from the Filmmaker?
CS: My advice is for filmmakers to not rush the process. To not feel too attached to the original concept. This film really taught me that stories have a life of their own. And by trusting your gut and letting go of those preconceived notions, the film is more open to finding its own voice, which will ultimately be much more interesting than the original idea.
Tell us what you think of the Case Study for Rat Tail. What do you think of it? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook. Or join me on Twitter.
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