In Conversation with Angel Constantinou Screenwriter and Director of BOY

Boy is a short film by Angel Constantinou

The introduction is placed right here

indieactivity: How did you get into directing? How would you describe your style?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
I’m mainly a screenwriter and songwriter, but after trying to collaborate with many directors for ‘Boy’, it seemed only I could direct it as my vision was crystal clear. I got into it during the pandemic, in 2021 when I was at home caring for my disabled mother and homeschooling my son. Then, I started to write as an outlet for the stress of what we’d all been going through, and then I went part time to film school to hone the art of screenwriting. I would say my style is real life stories with a poetic twist

Do you hire a casting director, or do you like to choose the cast yourself? If so, what criteria go into your casting?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
I hired a casting director for the child cast. They then helped with all the licensing and chaperones too. I got lots of amazing self-tape auditions and I chose from there. I have a long background of performing myself, so my criteria was to find raw talent, diverse in social economic backgrounds and that certain something that lights up the screen!

What went into the casting process for “BOY”?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
A casting agent, self-tape auditions and rehearsals to finalize the cast.

The Official Trailer for BOY written and directed by Angel Constantinou

Without giving anything away, tell us a little bit about the script, how did you come up with the idea?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
The script came about in 2021 when I was at home in lockdown. I was worried about the effect of the pandemic on the young people’s mental health, and it made me remember my childhood as a child carer, and some things I went through. The story is about 2 boys with abusive home lives, so similar and yet the choices they make are so different.

Who is Boy for? Who do you think would enjoy it the most?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
Boy is for everyone, as we’ve all been young people or are young people. It’s for anyone who feels alone. It’s a story about how to find a way to make the right choice for you, for young people to know there is ALWAYS someone that will listen. There is always a way out! I think teenagers will enjoy and relate the most.

How long did it take to shoot the entire film?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
6 days.

How long was the post-production process?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
One year due to many factors. But it turned out just as we’d hoped in the end.

The Poster Art for BOY by Angel Constantinou

The film had a lot of talent working behind the scenes as DPs, sound designers, composers, etc. Why is diversity important both in front of and behind the camera?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
Diversity is important everywhere! I know this, because when I was a mixed race (I’m Greek Egyptian London born) teenager at drama school trying to get auditions, I never quite fit the mold or fashion at the time. I also know that as a woman working in the music and film industry, we sometimes must work harder or smarter to prove we can juggle it all.

What are your goals with “BOY”?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
My goal with ‘Boy’ is for as many young people, parents, friends, siblings, and schools to watch it. To listen to the message, and to keep in mind how to get help. If I can help even one young person from their struggle, I’ve done what I aimed to do.

What’s next for you? What are you working on right now?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
I’m working on a feature film now, that has social impact themes again, with a unique twist.

What would you recommend to a new director at the beginning of his/ her journey? Any special courses, workshops,  helpful books they can read?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
Anyone that is doing something creative, especially screenwriters and directors, should start by creating something from things they know best. You don’t have to write about yourself by any means, but drawing some parts from your life and those lives you watched, really helps. As a working mum, I Like little part time courses I could fit into my schedule, so Met film school and Raindance film school were great for that. Also, reach out to filmmakers you admire on social media or via email. You’d be surprised how many respond and like to give advice.

Who is your favorite director? Why?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
Such a tough question. I don’t have ‘favourites’ in anything, I’m such a diplomat in that way haha. If I have to narrow it down, I’d say Sergio Leone as his film ‘Once Upon a Time in America’ pulled my heartstrings when I was growing up, and M. Night Shyamalan because of his writing style.

What advice would you give directors around the world?
Angel Constantinou (FL): 
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About Michael

I review films for the independent film community