Katerina Eichenberger was studying when she discovered a casting call for a new film about mental health, and friendship, titled Just Say Goodbye. The film has just been released in the U.S. Katerina is an actress, natural wine enthusiast, and the Operations Director for Stowe Story Labs. She has recently starred in House of Lies & The Beauty of Love both to released in the US soon.
indieactivity: When did your film career kick off and how?
Katerina Eichenberger (KE): My film career is still very much in the early stages. Maybe in a few years I will think it’s kicked off!
How daunting was it being promoted to lead actress?
Katerina Eichenberger (KE): It wasn’t necessarily a promotion, as I got cast as the lead actress from the beginning, but it was both exciting and nerve-wracking! I am so grateful I was given the opportunity and I knew I had to work hard.
Watch the trailer for Just Say Goodbye starring Katerina Eichenberger
How does this film differ from previous projects you’ve done?
Katerina Eichenberger (KE): It was my first film about suicide and I loved that it wasn’t about a romantic interest but about a deep rooted friendship.
Could you relate to your character and her plight?
Katerina Eichenberger (KE): Absolutely. Sarah is fiery, protective of those she loves, carefree, light, late, etc. I took those qualities and found aspects that were inherently similar to myself and those that were different and worked from there. A lot of her reminds me of me. She is much more looser than I am. I tend to focus. She was able to allow me to breathe a little more.
I have been lucky to not have lost anyone personally to suicide; however, I have known of people who have, so I took from research and my own human empathy to understand her plight.
Are you similar to her?
Katerina Eichenberger (KE): In ways, absolutely. She and I are very protective of those we love, fiery, passionate and looking to have fun and enjoy life to the fullest!

Do you get better with each film you do?
KE: Yes, of course. It is the type of industry where you learn by doing. I only get better with time. Even auditioning helps me grow as an actor.
Do you think it helps to be a fan of teen dramas if you’re going to be in one?
KE: Not necessarily, I think you need to believe in the story you are telling to make it a good film and commit fully to the character and situation.
What is the message of the movie?
KE: It reminds us that it’s better to have someone mad at you than losing them forever.
Tell us what you think of the interview with Katerina Eichenberger. What do you think of it? What ideas did you get? Do you have any suggestions? Or did it help you? Let’s have your comments below and/or on Facebook or Instagram! Or join me on Twitter.
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