Hayley Shukiar stars in Dance Baby Dance, the new musical/drama from filmmaker Stephen Kogon, which is now screening in theaters and available on VOD.
indieactivity: How did you acting career take off?
Hayley: I began acting professionally at 5 years old
indieactivity: Why movies? What about movies had you fixed on building a career around making them?
Hayley: I love acting and performing and since I live in LA, film and television are most accessible. If I lived in NYC I would love to do Broadway.
indieactivity: Was there a certain movie that made you want to act?
Hayley: Seeing my older sister act on stage inspired me to act.
indieactivity: What was the first thing you were in?
Hayley: At 3 years old I was in our temple’s Hannukah musical, Benjamin and Judah, that was written by my dad.
indieactivity: And how do you think you’ve improved as an actor since?
Hayley: I have had a lot more training and experience and have had the opportunity to play a variety of characters and it has allowed me to expand my horizons as an actor.
indieactivity: Is there a sequence in the latest movie, Dance Baby Dance, that you’re truly proud of, one you can genuinely step back from and say ‘wow, that looks great’!?
Hayley: The hardest scene for me was the crying scene in the movie. They had fake tears ready for me if I needed them, but I really wanted to get there myself. Beverley Mitchell and Crystal Kouri (head makeup artist) really helped me focus and get myself to an emotional place.
It was hard to stay in the moment in between takes, so I went into a dark bathroom to not be distracted and stay focused. I was exhausted after all the takes and crying in a scene has been a challenge in the past for me. So I was super proud of myself for being able to really go there as an actress. I am proud of how it turned out.
indieactivity: How did you get the role?
Hayley: I auditioned and had work sessions and call backs and producer callbacks and finally booked the role.
indieactivity: Did you have much time to get to know your co-stars before the shoot began?
Hayley: Not really. I had many work sessions and choreography rehearsals with Stephen Kogon and met Lisa Brenner who played my mom once before filming began.
indieactivity: Where did you shoot the movie?
Hayley: Torrance, West LA and Burbank
indieactivity: What do you hope audiences get from the movie?
Hayley: To never give up on themselves and their dreams.
indieactivity: What’s the dream project?
Hayley: To be Hermione in Harry Potter the Musical!
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