A Vital Sign is a dramatic short-film by award-winning filmmakers Paul Robinson and Sashia Dumont. The story follows a unified group as they journey through the final chapter of their spiritual passage. The film was shot in the fall of 2019 in a historic 1880 farmhouse that is set on 135 bucolic acres in Ulster County New York. It is currently in awaiting responses from film festivals.
The dramatic short film was filmed on a $6k micro-budget, over four days in a private farmhouse. With limited funds, same limited crew members, which resulted in a group effort by all. Despite last minute compilations, both cast and crew wore several hats during the production, creating lasting friendships
The cast on the film are Petra Denison, Sashia Dumont, Kieron J. Anthony, Kat Lindsay, and Ryan Katzer. The crew are Paul Robinson (Director/DP), Sasha Dumont (Writer), Rocco DeVito (1st AD/Gaffer), Thomas Myers (Sound), and Colin Felece (Grip).
Paul Robinson and Sashia Dumont are a husband and wife filmmaking team, based out of Hudson Valley, NY. collaborating together since 2007, we joined our forces to better conceptualize and create independent films and projects. Over the years this has helped us appreciate the importance of every cast and crew member, while helping us manage and maintain our production costs.
Sen3Productions is an award winning local film team. Our passion for filmmaking is something we love to share. In the past decade, we have made over a dozen films and sketches together, and truly look forward to every production. It is our mission to continue to create visual narratives, through original film and storytelling.
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