Case Study: Filmmaking of Pterry by John Michael Riva Jr.

Pterry is a short film Directed by John Michael Riva Jr.

A Film Festival Case Study

Narrative | Dramatic Features
Film Name: Pterry
Genre: Comedy/Fantasy
Length of film: 21 minutes
Date: 2024
Director: John Michael Riva Jr.
Producer: Doug Barden + Thomas Bond
Writer: John Michael Riva Jr.
Cinematographer: Indeana Underhill
Editor: Mario Andrew Fierro
Composer: Zach Robinson
Production Company: Rivaworks
Budget: $50k
Financing: Kickstarter + Film independent Fiscal sponsorship
Shooting Format: Digital
Screening Format: Digital
World Premiere: HollyShorts
Awards: NA

The Official Trailer for PTERRY

Watch The Trailer for PTERRYdirected by FILMMAKER

A Short Biography of John Michael Riva Jr.

John Michael Riva Jr. is a writer, director, and photographer based in Los Angeles, CA. He is a screenwriting MFA graduate from the American Film Institute, where his thesis script, FONTANA emerged as a finalist at Final Draft’s Big Break contest. His latest short film, Pterry, won the audience award for best short film at the Berkshire International Film Festival.

The John Michael Riva Jr. Interview

indieactivity: What is your film about?
John Michael Riva Jr. (JMN): 
So far we have been in four festivals, and have just sold non exclusive distribution rights to a streaming  service in Japan / Korea territories. We recently took home the audience award at the Berkshire  International Film Festival.

The Poster Art for Pterry. A short film Directed by John Michael Riva Jr.

Give the full Official Synopsis for your film?
John Michael Riva Jr. (JMR): 
Pterry is a bullied eighteen-year-old boy with extremely long arms. He’s trying to find his north star in  the world, having just lost his father. Pterry’s world is turned around when he is assigned a partner for a  school assignment with Claire, an equally an equally and eccentric bullied student. When a notorious  school bully sabotages their project, Pterry and Claire devise a plan to navigate to a new world, one of  independent happiness. The two misfits must harness their weaknesses together and unlock their  superpowers to defy school bullies and gravity.

Development & Financing?
John Michael Riva Jr. (JMR): 
This particular story is super close to home for me. I wanted to explore my vulnerabilities and creat a story harnessing my weakness as super powers. So I began tinkering with the idea of this kid who just doesn’t feel like he fits in and struggles in the classroom and has just lost a parent. Of course I use different methods of conveying my learning disabilities visually but that’s basically how Pterry was created. From there, I used Kickstarter to share my inspiration and luckily I got a lot of support from it. I also used Film Independent’s Fiscal Sponsorship program which was a massive help. 

John Michael Riva Jr. (JMR): 
We filmed in two locations over three days. One being my childhood home and the other being my  elementary school. After we wrapped, we edited for two months and worked out all the kinks for the VFX  which was crucial to making Pterry fly. Then of course, ADR sessions were necessary and we used  Transported Audio who was taking care of our overall mix and sound design.

Pterry is a short film Directed by John Michael Riva Jr.

Festival Preparation & Strategy?
John Michael Riva Jr. (JMR): 
We had little to no strategy. No PR or marketing besides our socials and informing all of our supporters via kickstarter.

The Release? 
John Michael Riva Jr. (JMR): 
Our short film is not technically released until our festival run is over. However, we do plan on releasing Pterry digitally this year hopefully.

Advice from the Filmmaker?
John Michael Riva Jr. (JMR): 
I learned a lot on this project. For one, if you’re going to pull something as ambitious of an idea as ours,  you can’t hold back. You have to ask everyone for help because you certainly can’t get off the ground alone.  It requires a group effort to get enough momentum and speed for liftoff.

Pterry is a short film Directed by John Michael Riva Jr.

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About Michael

I review films for the independent film community