Hollow by Paul Holbrook: A Grieving Single Mother Seeks Vengeance

Hollow is a new film by Paul Holbrook

Paul Holbrook returns with HOLLOW, a thriller revenge action movie that pitches a grieving single mother against the man who killed her child. While Struggling to find strength, she seeks guidance from her local vicar, a man on the edge.

Hollow is a dark, revenge thriller exploring the moral and religious intricacies surrounding the concept of revenge and redemption. Set on an impoverished, working-class council estate, Hollow tells the story of two lost souls; Laura Ryan, a struggling single mother consumed by grief having lost her son to a drunk driver, and Father Hill, a racially abused local vicar, a man-on-the-edge with dwindling faith.

Driven by a strained bloodlust, Laura sets out on a voyeuristic campaign again her son’s killer, hell-bent on violent retribution. However, her deep-rooted moral standards leave her hidden in the shadows time and again. She tortures herself for not having the strength to avenge her child and she is consumed by misguided guilt.

Hollow (2021) – Trailer from Shunk Films on Vimeo.

The Official Trailer for HOLLOW directed by Paul Holbrook

After seeking guidance from her local vicar, Father Hill, the pair explore the intricacies in the words written in the Bible: Romans 12: Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”

Father Hill prays for the lord to take his revenge and save Laura from damnation but his prayers continually go unanswered. Both fuelled by a growing lack of faith, a growing hatred for the world around them, and the injustices that litter their estate, the pair head toward a tragic and violent climax that will change both their lives forever. They say the Lord works in mysterious ways…don’t they.

The Poster Art for HOLLOW written and directed by Paul Holbrook

Paul Holbrook
Paul is an award-winning writer/director. A proud working-class Bristolian, he was born and bred in Hartcliffe – a rough, impoverished council estate in the South West of England.

Despite a lack of formal education, Paul started out as a screenwriter, writing feature-length scripts for the spec market and made encouraging progress, advancing in various industry-backed screenwriting competitions including Page, Shore, Screencraft and in 2018 made the final 1% of The Academy Nicholl Fellowship (The Oscars). He has also made the final stages of the BBC Writersroom, the later stages of iShorts, and has been selected for industry-backed mentoring and career development through Creative England, Bafta, and the BFI.

After years of honing his writing craft, Paul eventually moved into film-making too, driven by a passion to develop and direct his own work he has written and directed a plethora of successful short films across varying genres including comedy, drama, sci-fi, and horror. His work fuses real-world authenticity, British social realism, and genre flair, and his films have screened and won numerous awards at Bafta, BIFA, and Oscar-qualifiers festivals around the world including Palm Springs, BFI London, Encounters, and Aesthetica.

Paul is a returning member of the BaftaXBFICrew programme, has been funded by BFI Network and Enter The Pitch, and is in early development with BFI on his first feature, based on the award-winning short Hungry Joe. He is shopping around his autobiographical coming-of-age feature Snog and is in active development on an exciting TV comedy called Ordinary Joe.

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About Michael

I review films for the independent film community