ACTOR INTERVIEW: “learn daily, learning does not stop with age” – Keira Hewatch

My name is Keira Hewatch. My very first acting experience happened in Ghana with a small acting group. We would have rehearsals for a particular story, though we never eventually filmed it. The fact that I could act at a rehearsal and that it came naturally hit me; I can actually do this. My first professional work was a soap opera in 2008 back in Nigeria.
Did you study acting?
I did not study acting as a course, although I would have loved to then. What I did do and still do on occasion is read up on acting and its techniques online. I was five when I experienced an ‘epiphany’, if you will… And the film that triggered it was ‘Sound of Music’ from that one defining moment in my life; my career path was laid out in front of me.
What acting technique to you use?
I use the ‘sense memory’ technique of acting. Recalling similar emotions and sensory perceptions in the current situation make my acting believable. And over the years I’ve become better at the art of Improvisation.
Describe wrong impressions actors hold about acting
In my opinion, acting is not a hobby. I think that a lot of actors start out with the mindset that the acting is just something they want to get involved with because they are fascinated with the craft, while they look for ‘serious’ work on the side. Others just apply the attitude of ‘give me the script, lets film, done, next script please’ and with that they give a flat performance through a number of movies that are different yet you cannot distinguish the characters. Every script, character and story is unique and should be treated in that way.
Do you take courses to improve your craft?
I read up articles online, I watch a lot of movies to help me learn how to best interpret certain situations, feelings and emotions. I also watch a lot of film and TV.
What acting books do you read?
I have read various articles online based on the Stanislavski and Meisner approach to acting. I like how Michael Caine explains acting, he makes it relatable and easy to grasp.
I actually love this picture of myself. @Sir_DaVinChi: @KeiraHewatch @MealdredO”
— Keira Hewatch (@KeiraHewatch) August 6, 2014
How do you keep fit as an actor: mentally, physically?
Mentally, I give myself scenarios when I’m on my own. I watch myself in the mirror or record myself and play back the video footage to see how I did at absorbing a certain new expression. I want to learn. I workout to stay in shape. I really do lots of cardio.
When you are offered a role, what do you do next?
The first thing I do is read the script to know what the story is about. Then, I read it again to test out my character’s feelings, after which I read it a few more times to absorb those feelings and know my lines.
How do you take a character in a script to an honest, believable and breathing person?
I always say there are two people in my head, ‘me’ and the ‘blank slate’. When I meet a new character, she occupies the blank slate which becomes the pre-dominant person in my head, and in every sense of the word, I then become her.
How do you stay fresh on a production set?
I try as much as possible not to allow anything distract me. Sometimes the reverse is the case, where I need a distraction so I don’t become my serious reclusive self, if I’m playing a fun, happy and cheery character.
Explain one creative choice you took on set?
On a recent film set; my character was pregnant and was to go into labour. The director wanted a “zero to sixty” reaction when it was time but I felt instinctively that it would not be believable or true as I have been around a lot of pregnant women in my family. So, I obeyed my instincts and the scene played out well in the end.
Describe a memorable character you played?
Right now ‘Peace Nwosu’ is most memorable to me because of the many layers she has. She continues to evolve with each season of Lekki Wives; 2012/2013
What do you want most from a director?
Competence. I want to feel I can be confident working with a director who knows her craft.
What actor do you long to work with?
If I could have more than one choice; Denzel Washington and Hlomla Dandala
Why this actor?
With Denzel Washington, I am unbelievably amazed by him every time. He is a legend, an icon and one of the most talented actors on the planet. Hlomla Dandala in my opinion, he is one of the most effortless actors in Africa I’ve ever had the pleasure to watch.
What advice would you give actors around the world?
Understand that it is a full-time career, not a hobby, be dedicated to it, and try to be better. We learn daily, learning does not stop with age.
Briefly Write about your career
Here are a few characters I’ve had the pleasure of interpreting; I played ‘Ketche’ in ‘Two Brides and a Baby’. She was a hot head. I won the BON award for best breakout performance for an actress in a leading role. I have played special agent ‘Hauwa’ in ‘Murder at Prime Suites. She was tough and intense (I’d like to take more characters roles like this). I also played ‘Lisa’ in ‘After the Proposal’. She was a sexy sultry boss with a crush on her employee.