ACTOR INTERVIEW: “Put in the work, commit all you can. It really is fun.” Dierdra McDowell

José Alvarez has completed a comedy pilot, “BKS1 Radio” about a radio station on the verge of going under in which his characters name was Jay. In the feature “Changing the Game,” his characters name was Bass. Another feature film, “Sacred Game”, in which José played two characters, can now be seen on Netflix®. The next feature he was in which he played the character of Frankie, was “The Ride of Tom and Valkyrie”. Jose can also be seen in a national television commercial.
José is currently in production with two web series’. The first is “Screwed”. His character, Jesus, is dragged into an uncomfortable situation. This production is directed by Stefanie Sparks. The second is “Death’s Door” in which his character is a corrupt politician. This production is directed by Ben Schaeffer. He also has a couple of feature films in pre-production. One of these is the anticipated comedy “Miami or Bust” which is about three friends who wage on who can make it to Miami in 24 hours. This will begin Summer 2011 and is directed by Chris DePierro. The second is about the music explosion in the 1970/1980’s about Asbury Park, NJ. The title of this film is “Asbury Park USA” which is slated for production Fall 2011 and is directed by Sean Guess.
Did you study acting
Yes I did. I did study acting in several community theatres in The New York, New Jersey area. I studied at the Stella Adler Conservatory for two years. Stella Adler’s technique is based on the combination of pragmatic and the imagination.
What acting technique do you use
The technique that I uses is a combination of my imagination and my personal exterior. I have learned to understand the written words of the director and writer. I try to reveal the secrets and the ideas and bring the message to the screen.
What wrong impressions do actors hold about acting
You have a percentage of actors, to no fault of their own, they just deliver lines. Late, if they continue with the craft, they realize that each word, each sentence, has a message to convey to the audience. So, they start to study the craft. We as actors must translate what is on paper to a visual using out tools body, mind, and imagination to create that imaginary worl for the audience. Take them on a ride if u will, it’s not easy. It’s hard, emotional, discovery work.
Do you take courses to improve your craft
Yes, I try to between projects take classes to fine tune my own processes that i have developed. I will always take time for courses because i always learn something new. I have had the pleasure of working with directors that have steered me in the right direction. No pun intended. I also watch my children, how they create and believe in the moment. I also go back to my Stella Adler’s books.
What acting books do you read
One of the books i use is “the art of acting”, by Stella Adler. Preface by Marlon Brando. The other book i use is “respect for acting”, by Uta Hagen.
How do you keep fit as an actor
Physically, I always work on voices and physical characteristics. I go to parks and malls and study people; how they walk, talk. I even study animals and how they react and interact. I also try to use the bike and treadmill, although, sometimes I lose track of it. Lol.
When you’re offered a role, what do you do next
I read the script three times. Once for my character, twice for how the other characters view my character, and three times to see, hear, and feel the message the director and writer want to give. I don’t like to over-rehearse because I like to leave some rawness for on-set discovery.
How do you take a character in a script to a honest, believable and breathing person
It doesn’t matter if the character is a woman or a man; i always give one thing of me and build from there. In my mind i develop and create the world and totally forget about José Alvarez.
How do you stay fresh on set
My parents and the lord have blessed me with an on and off switch. There is something about being in front of the camera that makes every time feel brand new. I love it. By not letting José back in, I stay in the moment. Even when the director is adjusting, I listen as the character.
Explain a creative choice you took on set
My creative choice was not to be bullied. While on set, the character had a 45mm. While in character, I was being laughed at. So, I turned around to the people that were laughing at me and decided to show them that it wouldn’t be a good idea.
Describe a memorable character you played
In 2009, a film sacred game, directed by Bernardo Chilindron. This film is on Netflix. I played two different characters; Louis and my alter ego pito. I transformed from a lawyer to a Mexican biker dude.
What do you want most from a director
José: One to believe, second most important is to never settle for anything less than his vision.
What two actors do you long to work with
José: I have always wanted to work with Peter Falk and marlin Brando, but with that said i would like to work with Johnny Depp.
José: He is willing to go to wherever the discovery process takes him; no matter how dark or bright, to create the character.
What advice would you give actors
Jose: Be willing to be open to discover. Don’t take no for an answer. Dare to dream, dare to be bold. You must have a ‘CCMP’ – a clear, concise, mental picture, of what you want and go for it.
Briefly write about your career
In Sacred Game, I played two very dirrent characters. It gave me the opportunity to discover another layer of creativity. In ‘The Confabulators’, I played a detective, it showed me how to be very careful. it showed me how to ask questions. In ‘Stills’, I played a father who is willing to accept his daughter’s homosexuality.
Other productions are; ‘Steps’ by Eddie Harris, ‘China White Trilogy’ by Todd Braley’, ‘Asbury Park U.S.A’ by Sean Guess, ‘Deaths Chronicals’ by David L. Powell’, ‘Drinking from Satin’s Cup by Leon Raymond Mitchell’, ‘Su Casa by Shannon Lanier’, ‘The Mob by Marlene Mendoza’, ‘The Crew‘, ‘Hamilton Street‘, I play the character La Plaga